2 | Avocado Toast

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"Miss Ruby?" My secretary's voice broke my thoughts.

"Hm?" I said, looking up from my paperwork.

"Hizashi is here." She smiled sweetly at me.

"Oh, send him in." I replied, looking back at the stack of unfinished work.

A few moments after my secretary left the room, my older brother entered my office.

"Ruby!" He said with excitement and vigor. "How's my lil' sis?" I noticed he had a bag in his hand, and with the other, he was doing a playful finger gun at me.

I sighed, too tired to be bothered with his over the top attitude.

It's too early for this shit.

I looked at the clock. It read 2:37.

...Well, still.

I looked at him with exhaustion, my eyes conveying tiredness and disinterest. I ran my fingers through my hair to push it out of my face and sighed.

"Bad day?" He asked, sitting on my desk. My older brother looked at me with pity, and rubbed my back with an open palm.

"You could say that." I replied, setting down my pen. "If you call filling out boring-ass paperwork for three hours and then having to rush to a robbing only to chase down the criminal who had a mobility quirk a bad day."

"That is shitty, sis." He gave me a hug. "I'm sorry."

I hugged back, feeling tired and hungry, even. I hadn't had a chance to eat today because of all my work. "Yeah... I wish I could go home."

"Are you hungry? I brought curry." He smiled.

"Oh, yes. I'm starving." I replied, perking up.

Hizashi chuckled and put the bag I saw in his hand on my desk. He came around the side and had me stand up to give him another hug.

"I gotta bounce. Shota and I are going to the groomer with Fern." He laughed. "She's going to hate being groomed."

I scoffed. "I don't think I've ever seen that cat enjoy anything or anyone except Shota."

My brother laughs aloud and kissed the top of my head. "Get to feeling better, alright?"

"I can't promise, but I can try." I said, picking my pen back up and looking down at my paperwork.

"Love you, sis."

"I love you too, Hizashi." I said, still looking at the jumble of words on my desk. He closed the door with a quiet sigh, and left me to my suffering, alone... again.


Mogi curled up by my feet at the end of the couch as I stretched out on it. He purred softly as I watched an old 1950's cheesy romance movie. The couple had just reunited and shared a kiss.

Jesus. I just realized that I haven't kissed someone since my third year of high school in second semester.

I always asked myself if I'd ever get married. My mom always told me that I'd need to find a good man or woman who would treat me with the respect I deserve. I'm glad my mom didn't freak out when I told her that I was interested in women. My dad died before I could even figure that stuff out. But I knew he would have supported me too.

I'll admit, I'd always felt more attracted to men. It was just something about them. The way their voices sounded, their more defined jawlines, and their piercing golden eyes-

Wait what!? No. He's not- no. Just no.

I scolded myself. That guy is nothing but annoying and flirtatious. I can't stand him. The last three weeks have been absolute hell. I don't want him, I don't need him.

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