14 | Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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As I sat, staring at Keigo waddling around, I couldn't help but snicker at him.

I had invited our friends over to my place and we were playing charades like a bunch of 13-year-olds. The category was animals. We had been playing for about an hour already. We had eaten dinner, watched a movie, and had even had a small dance party. Yuu, Kamui, Rumi, Nemuri, Hizashi, and Shota had all came over.

Keigo had his feet together and his arms at his sides, his hands sticking out and was waddling around in circles. He also had a humongous bubble in his mouth for some reason.

"Chicken!" Yuu shouted. I see why she thinks that, but that wasn't it.

"Ostrich!" Kamui said. I had no idea where he got that from.

I finally realized as he flapped his arms as if he couldn't fly.

"Penguin!" I blurted out. Keigo smiled and did finger guns at me.

"Yeah!" He looked at Kamui with confusion. "Ostrich?"

We all burst out laughing and it was my turn next. I got up from the couch and in front of everyone. I was going to do chicken like Yuu said last round.

I put my arms up to my underarms and started walking around pecking at the air and clucking. Everyone burst out laughing again and Nemuri said, "Okay, now that's a chicken."

I caught her eye and shook my head slightly. My eyes darted towards Keigo and she looked at him and then back to me.

She put two and two together and laughed. "Oh! I see."

"Is it me?!" Keigo blurted out.

I stopped suddenly and wheezed like a goose, hunching over and sinking to the ground, laughing so hard my sides hurt.

Everyone began laughing too and Keigo came over to me and tackled me as I got up, rolling on the ground with me. I eventually rolled on top of him and looked at him in the eyes. I giggled to him and kissed him on the lips, still laying on top of him. He smiled into the kiss with a chuckle.

I noticed a camera flash with my closed eyes and I opened them, looking at Yuu, who had taken a picture of Keigo and me on the floor. I frowned at her and she snickered.

"Look at how cute you guys are!"

Keigo rolled his eyes jokingly and maneuvered my gaze back to his with his hand. He kissed me again and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I love you." He says. Another kiss.

"I love you too, chicken." I giggle, standing up.

We went back to playing charades but around 10:00, everyone said thier goodbyes and headed out.

I closed and locked the door, and Keigo looked at me with a smirk. He bit his lip and ran his hands up and down my waist. He leaned in for a kiss but I put my finger to his lips.

"What's going on here?" I smirked with a raised eyebrow.

Keigo pulled back a little with the same look on his face. "You look so... Gorgeous."

I pretended to swoon like those dramatic rom-com movies. Keigo spun me and dipped me down, kissing my lips. He pulled me back up and I wrapped my arms around him, smiling like an idiot.

I had fallen. Really, really hard.

But it was for the most amazing guy in the universe. Keigo Takami. I pulled away and kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna go get into my pj's."

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