15 | Heart of Stone

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I laid in bed, looking up at the ceiling. It was around three a.m, and I had been awake all night. I hadn't slept well for the last three days. I was able to get naps in that lasted about two hours and then I was up for the next twenty four hours.

I was still heart broken over Keigo. He resigned as my work partner and had stopped talking to me completely. I know we were only together a few weeks, but those few weeks were the happiest I'd been in a long time. And now, it was gone.

I rolled over, facing the window. Part of me hoped that Keigo would show up, tapping at it, begging me to let him in.

I missed him so much. I loved him, still.

Parts of me think he just used me. We did oral on each other and a few days later, he leaves. But... That doesn't seem to be it. He looked so upset. I could tell that he didn't want to.

Maybe someone made him. The commission, maybe?

It had to be them. But why would they go to only have about it? Wouldn't they talk to both of us? We're both heroes.

Never mind...

I rolled over again, looking at the wall. I sighed audibly. Mogi meowed and curled up by my chest. I pet him with my eyes beginning to water again.

It was hard to accept that Keigo was really gone and out of my life. He left as soon as he came. That was hard. I'd never felt heart break like this before. I let my silent tears fall as I laid in bed, looking at the wall.

I cried for a while, and got up to go get a cup of water. I walked into the kitchen, the tiles cold against my feet.

I had the whole world in my arms at one point, and then I lost it like a coin down a drain. The dried tear streaks were apparent as I looked into the mirror. It was still three, almost four a.m. I looked at my dull expression and mentally slumped. The color had drained from my world, and I felt like it'd never come back.

But, heart break was temporary.


"Hawks, where did you get all this stuff?" Hebi asked.

I looked at the box she was holding. It was full of stuff Ruby gave me. It was little crafts she found and things she got me.

"Stuff. Give it to me." I said, holding my hand out. If she knew Ruby gave it to me she'd throw it out.

"Hm. I think that Bonespur girl gave you this stuff." She went to the trash can. "You don't need it anymore." She opened the top and dumped everything inside.

"No, wait!" I yelled. My eyes were wide and my face grew pale. I was suddenly filled with anger. "What the hell, Hebi?"

"What? She's your ex, remember! You love me now! Forget about her."

I flipped her off as I stormed up the stairs. "Fucking bitch. You're lucky I'm against hitting women."

Hebi just smirked at me and waved as I went up the stairs to mine and Ruby's bedroom loft. "Toodles." She cooed sarcastically.

I sent a few feathers to knock the drink she had out of her hand and break the glass on the floor. She yelled something indescribable and then she hollered to me. "You're going to start treating me like you should or I'm going to post it."

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