13 | I Love You (NSFW)

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"Get him!" I shouted suddenly. 

Keigo darted forward and caught the man off-guard. He was facing the opposite way as Keigo, paying attention to me. Keigo slammed him against the wall of the bank and held his wrists behind his back. The man struggled and dropped his gun upon impact. Keigo kicked it away and I began untying the hostages gathered in the corner of the room. I heard the man cry out and then fall to the floor. Keigo had elbowed him in the side of the head because he wouldn't stop resisting. He was unconscious. 

"Hawks-" I sighed. 

Keigo shrugged his shoulders and chuckled as he came to help me. A little boy I had untied came up to me and hugged me around my neck, as well as his mother. 

"Thank you. You saved my son's life, Bonespur." The woman said, smiling.

I smiled back as I picked the little boy up, who was tugging at my hand. I held him and gave him another hug. "It's what I do." 

The little boy looked at me, starstruck. I smiled at him as he said, "I wanna be just like Bonespur, mama!" 

My heart basically melted as I looked at this little boy. I high-fived him and said, "You can do it. I believe in you." 

I put him down and he and his mother walked out of the bank and to their car. 

Keigo came up to me and pushed my shoulder gently, chuckling. "I saw that."

I walked away, with an embarrassed smile on my face. "No, you didn't."

~~~ • ~~~

As I walked into the restaurant, I saw Hizashi sitting with Shota on the left side by a window. Hizashi noticed me and waved. I waved back and went to sit across from them in the booth seat. Hizashi smiled and greeted me. He invited me to try the appetizer he'd ordered for Shota and himself. I tried it and it was delicious. It was chilled tofu. I smiled at the boys and they both reverted to a more serious look. I looked at them, confused. 

"Look, we didn't call you here just to have lunch." Shota began. "We're here because Tsukauchi and Yuu informed us of what's been going on, and yesterday Hizashi received a text message saying something along the lines of, 'I've got big plans for your sister.' We were worried." 

Hizashi showed me the texts. 

 - - - - - - - - - - 


Hizashi Yamada?


I know about your sister and Hawks.

... And?

I've got some big plans for them.

What do you mean?

You'll see.

If you hurt her I swear I'll kill you.

Oh, it's going to hurt. Just not physically.

I'm calling the police.

Good luck tracing this number, DJ man.

Fuck you.

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