20 | Blooming Once Again

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I woke up to sore legs and a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. I tried to move but my abdomen virtually said 'nope' and sent a pulsating pain up my spine.

"Ow..." I groaned, rolling over. I saw a little note on the night stand. There was a bottle of ibuprofen on top of the note.

It read:

Here's some medicine. I hope you don't have to use it but it's here if you need it. Love you.

-The sorry excuse for a pterodactyl

I giggled at the note, remembering the day I called him that. I smiled. This shows that he listens to me. I never told myself or him for that matter, that I appreciate that.

I took two pills and rolled back over. It was eight o'clock in the morning. I laid there for a few more minutes and decided it was time to get up and go see Keigo. He was definitely cooking something.

I suffered through the pain as I stood up, immediately collapsing to the ground. My legs were wobbly and I felt weak. Half a second later, Keigo was sprinting up the stairs.

"Ruby! Are you okay?" He came to help me up and I took his hand. "I'm so sorry baby."

I giggled and shushed him. "Don't be sorry. I enjoyed myself last night."

He chuckled and kissed my hand, kneeling on his knees beside me. "I'm glad." He helped me stand and walk. "I'm making breakfast."

"I smell it." I confirmed. "It smells delicious." Once we had gotten down stairs, Keigo sat me on the couch by the sliding glass door.

"It's ready, I'll bring it in."

I sighed, "Oh, baby, you don't have to."

"Oh, but I do." He smiled at me. "I do because I love you."

I scoffed at him playfully. "Okay, Mr. Chivalrous."

Keigo brought in the food and handed me a plate that had a continental breakfast style. But it incorporated meat, and surprisingly, chocolate.

"I baked these muffins." Keigo said as he bit into one. His mouth full of blueberry muffin, he said, "They're really good."

I giggled and tried them. And he was right, they were great. I hummed at the taste and quickly ate. Keigo and I had patrol today. He notified the commission of the situation last night and that we'd be working together again. The agent fussed about it but complied. I was just thankful to have him back. But, today was a work day. Keigo and I set off for patrol right after breakfast.

"Ready?" Keigo held his arms out, smiling.

I took a deep breath. It had been a while since we'd flown together. I missed it.

"First, I have something for you." Keigo said. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a visor and a noise-cancelling headset. "Saftey first."

I giggled and put them on, jumping into his arms. "Ready for takeoff in three... Two... O-!"

Just like that, Keigo blasted off the ground and into the sky, the wind ruffling our hair and clothes violently. I held onto Keigo and kissed his jawline as his route steadied.

"So, how are you?" Keigo asked.

I looked at him. "What do you mean? I'm great."

"I mean... How are you feeling... You know, after all of this? I thought you needed a check-in."

"I'm fine. I really am. I'm just glad to have you back." I kissed his cheek.

Keigo gave a suave chuckle. "I'm so glad you are okay. After what I did..."

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