Chapter 30 : Lizard Swamp (2).

Start from the beginning

“… I just have to help you kill ten?”

Hearing this, Ilya finally made a full smile.


“Then I’ll kill exactly ten.”


Hyrkan vowed to himself.

That in this lifetime, he would never trust anyone ever again, and that he would never be with anyone ever again.

This vow wasn’t just a bluff to ease his bitter heart. With the knowledge he had, if he sold his pride just a little and decided to enjoy his new life, wealth and honor would have been his. Throwing such a life away, he had made the vow, prepared to walk a path of hardship.

‘These bitches…’

Would he throw away such a vow for a few beauties? It wasn’t impossible, but at the very least, now wasn’t the time.

Then why did Hyrkan accept their request?

‘They’re swans on the outside, but hyenas on the inside.’

He changed his mind the moment his shoulder was grabbed. When Ilya grabbed his shoulder, Hyrkan felt he couldn’t shake off her hand.

It meant her strength was higher than Hyrkan’s.

Of course, it was expected for Hyrkan’s strength to be lower than a swordsman of his level. Given, the swordsman of the same level wasn’t a tank-type, but a type that went all into strength.

In other words, Ilya wasn’t a tank. There was no way Hyrkan didn’t catch what this implied.

In a 3-man party, the role of a tank was vital. But a party came to a high-difficulty hunting ground like the Lizard Swamp without a tank?

Their biggest mistake was asking for help on a quest important enough to give compensation. If the quest were that important, they would simply ask for help online, and skilled players would come to their aid. That, of course, was given they had the money… no, considering they appealed their beauty, money might have no meaning. There were plenty of people that would jump to help a group of beauties.

Even so, they asked Hyrkan for help? It was a clear lie that they needed his help to complete a quest.

‘Are they aiming for my left?’

They were clearly aiming for Hyrkan. Otherwise, there was no reason to act in such a way.

That said, they wouldn’t actively try to PK him. If that was their plan, there was no need to approach him the way they did. They would have simply attacked him when he was off guard.

Considering the way they approached him, it was likely that they would intentionally create a dangerous situation and make monsters kill him.

‘These bitches are even worse than those shitheads from before…’

It was a common trick. One just had to use the fact that players felt happy to meet others in the field. If a problem occurred during battle, it would be an accident, not a PK. It was a truly dirty method. After all, one would have to go through an immense amount of effort to fuck over a single person.

In any case, Hyrkan wasn’t the type to let off a bunch of schemers.

He wasn’t in the mood.

‘If you get caught lying, your hand’s got to go.’

He planned to rob them clean.

“Let’s go over the situation. Do you have any experience fighting a Lizardman?”

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