7.1 - movie

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He was already sitting in the back when I walked in. At the table I usually sit at in the far back where you get to see everything. There were people sitting at all tables, the seat across from him was one of the last empty ones.

"He's been sitting here for an hour, I think he was waiting for you and you're late." Jasmine said with a grin when she caught me looking at him.

"I had a group project, I just came here to return a book." I said to her as I reached in my bag to take out the book. But I saw him turn his head at the sound of my voice, he was waiting for me.

"Why don't you give the guy a chance?" She asked as she put away the book and changed it to 'returned'. "Do you need anything else?"

"No, I still have enough of books for the next month but thisone had to be returned by tomorrow." I said and she let out a soft chuckle. I closed my bag again and looked at the boy in the back, our eyes connecting shortly and the hickey in his neck so obvious even from this distance. It only made me wonder how the rest of his body looked, covered in hickeys and the digging of my nails.

I looked back at Jasmine and she was already looking at me with a grin. "I guess I now know who he spend his wild night with."

"Oh shut up." I said with a laugh before taking a step back. "Goodbye Jasmine."

"Goodbye Lia." She said back before I walked out of the library and made my way to the parking lot. It was pouring rain outside.

"Lia." He said from behind me, just loud enough to make me stop walking and turn around. It was quiet in the hallway, everyone either already home or in the library to study. He walked closer, giving me no time to reply or process as he placed his hands on my cheeks and crashed his lips on mine.

I kissed him back rather fast and placed my hands on his sides, it felt normal and gave me flashbacks of the night before. Of his lips on mine while his hands explored my body.

He pulled away too soon, I wanted to savour the taste of his lips on mine longer but he pulled away and leaned closer to my ear.

"You should come by sometime soon, we could have fun." He said before placing a soft kiss right beneath my ear, a sweet spot he had found easily the night before. He pulled away and took a step back, watching me with a grin as I tried to hold myself together. He just walked away without another word and I waited a second before walking to my car too.

I never have sex with the same guy twice, I never go back or answer a call in the morning. But I also have never had sex that good. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea, I didn't want him to believe we could be something because I know that's what he wants. The kind of girl he needs, is nothing like the girl I am.

I would be no good for him and I'm not about to change myself.

I got into his head and he's chasing but I'm not close to falling while I think he is. If I'd go in on his request, he'd only fall harder. And he would be faced by the cold, hard ground, I won't be there to catch him or pick him up.

But then again, when have I ever cared about the guy's feelings?

LiaRose: I'm good at not giving a shit

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LiaRose: I'm good at not giving a shit

SamEvans: i think every guy you've ever spend the night with can confirm that
EmilyMiller: you're hot
LiaRose: @emilymiller so are you
Poppyiscool: its like you have no idea what season it is
LiaRose: @poppyiscool ive noticed that that annoys you
Poppyiscool: YES IT DOES

I looked at the screen for a few minutes, watched the comments come in and reply to my friends before going to the explore tab. I typed in his name at the top and opened his profile. I looked around in the room, all girls were talking or watching the movie that was playing on the tv. I couldn't be caught.

I looked back at my phone and looked at his profile, at the picture he had chosen for his profile picture and the ones he posted recently. He was the example of a frat boy, the alcohol and drugs clearly an influence on multiple pictures and their captions. I hesitated before I pressed the button and an empty dm screen was opened.

I typed a message, removed it again and locked my phone. I didn't want to give him false hope, I didn't want to seem needy but I have my needs and maybe it'd be safer for them not to be fulfilled by someone new every week. I unlocked my phone again and wrote down a message before quickly pressing send. No getting out of it now. I locked my phone again but by the time I put it in my pocket, it already buzzed again.

LiaRose: about your earlier offer, when are you free?
CalumHood: how about now?
LiaRose: that's a fast reply
CalumHood: I happened to be on my phone when I got your text, it was a coincidence.
LiaRose: sure
CalumHood: so how about now? The guys are all drinking and playing drinking games, nobody would notice if you walked in.
LiaRose: I'm watching a movie with the girls, I can't just go out.
CalumHood: tell them you're going to Sam?
LiaRose: Vee is here, won't work
CalumHood: fucking Vee
CalumHood: let me take care of that problem.

"Hey Lia?" Vee asked from beside me and I looked up from my phone, trying to figure out if Calum had texted Vee. "I just got a text from Sam asking if I could take you back to the house with me, apparently it's an 'emergency'?"

"Yeah sure," I said before looking back at the other girls who had heard the small interaction between the two of us. "I've watched the movie before so already know the ending. I'll be quiet when I come back." I said and they all just gave a nod or an 'alright' before they went back to their conversations or the movie. I got up and looked at the clothes I was wearing,  I had to get changed. "I'm going to put jeans on and get a sweater and then we can leave."

"Alright, I'll get my things and wait by the car." Vee said as she got up too. She started saying goodbye to all the girls while I quickly went upstairs to change. I took a pair of skinny jeans, a sweater and lace underwear from my closet before changing in the bathroom. I didn't bother putting on a shirt underneath my sweater, knowing I'd be naked again soon anyway.

I said a goodbye to the girls when I came back downstairs before going outside. Vee was already sitting in her car.

"I'm dropping you off at Calum's. He'll probably bring you back." She said and I gave her a nod, "I owed him one, nobody of your house will find out."


I know it's short and sucks but here's something.

I'm not really feeling like writing lately but I do love this story so it's a very mixed feeling. I want to write for it and find out how to continue this story but I don't want to write.

So yeah, life is complicated, I just want it to be simple again and smile again.

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