10.1 - broken families

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"I think this one was our best one yet." Calum said and I let out a soft laugh. I was laying on my back beside him, both naked and trying to catch our breaths.

"After about 15 times, we're really getting the hang of this." I replied and he laughed too, our shoulders just touching each other before it became quit again.

"14 times, over the past three months." He finally said and I turned my head to look at him, but he was already looking at me. "And still nobody found out."

"I ran into Jack the other week so I'm pretty sure he's just pretending that he doesn't know." I replied and he laughed again. "I really should get up to take a shower but I feel like my legs will betray me if I try to."

"Then stay." He nearly whispered and my whole mood changed. "We can talk, I can get beers or something and you can stay for a while."

"Calum..." I said softly, my smile gone and he knew what I was about to say. "Are you sure we can keep doing this? I still feel the same as when we started this, just sex and nothing more. But do you?" I asked him and he stayed quiet for a while.

"I'm just asking if you want a beer and to talk, I'm not asking you out." He reassured me and I gave him a small smile. I knew better, I knew exactly how he felt by the way he looked at me when he thinks I'm not paying attention after sex, or when he looks at me from across the room at the library or cafetaria. But still I accepted his reply, even though I couldn't give him what he wanted or needed.

"I guess I can stay for a beer." I gave in and he smiled before sitting up. He picked up his boxers and sweatpants and I just watched his perfect butt and muscled back. "I'd put on a shirt or sweater too if I was you." I said and he let out a chuckle before picking up the sweater from his desk to hide the scratches and hickies before leaving his room. I got up too and picked up my clothes from the ground to put back on my underwear, not even bothering to put on anything else.

I sat back down on his bed and leaned against the bedframe while I waited for him to come back. He walked back inside and handed me a beer before sitting down too.

"So where did you tell the girls you are this time?" He asked and I just took a swing from my beer.

"That doesn't really matter." I replied back and he looked at me confused, I usually walk into his house with a grocery bag or book from the library to have an excuse when I go back.

"You're staying longer than usual, so the library or store aren't really good excuses." He said to try and get a reply from me.

"If you want me to stay till the end of my beer and still have a possibility for a second round, I'd change the subject if I was you." I warned him and he nodded before looking down.

"Why did you decide to study English Literature?" He asked out of nowhere and I smiled softly before looking at the rack of CDs in his room and guitar beside it.

"Why did you decide to major in music?" I asked back and he smiled too as he followed my gaze.

"Because even as a kid I could loose myself in the music I would hear and when I was finally able to play, I'd write music and try to tell short stories with my songs." He explained before looking at me again.

"I'd loose myself in the books and I'd create stories in my head to form an alternative reality. As a kid I was always the main character in my own story."

"Why aren't you anymore?" He asked softly before taking a sip of his beer again.

"I still hide parts of myself in every main character that plays in my head, but at some point I started creating stories that I didn't want to be the main character of anymore." I replied before finally looking at him again. He smiled softly before getting up and taking his guitar.

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