13.1 - 21

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"Lia, at least act like you are enjoying your birthday. You've been hiding in the kitchen for half an hour." Poppy said as she walked into the kitchen to refill her drink. "Why are you even hiding here?"

"It's 11:30pm." I simply replied and she tilted her head lightly, "In 30 minutes my birthday is over and I still haven't heard anything from my parents."

"I'm sorry Lia." She said softly before leaning against the counter beside me. I took the bottle of tequila from beside me and filled my cup again before throwing it back.

"I shouldn't even care, because I've barely spoken to them anyway but they couldn't even be bothered to ask their assistant to text me. Because I know they're no longer awake by now, they're both in New York now I think so it's already past my birthday there."

"They absolutely suck and I wish I could change something but you only turn 21 once and there are a lot of cute guys at the party." She said and I let out a soft chuckle. "And we are all here too, to celebrate together."

"You are pretty shitty at giving advice when you've been drinking."

"I have been told that before." She said laughing and I looked at her with a soft smile.

"But you're right, I shouldn't let them get to me and instead enjoy the party with you guys." I told her and she looked proud that I was accepting her shitty advice. "Just go ahead, I'll be there in a minute."

"If you're not out there in 5, then I'm dragging you out of the kitchen." She warned me before leaving.

I let out a soft chuckle before taking out my phone and opening instagram. I typed in his name again, just out of curiosity and smiled when I saw the last new post. Even though I was so sure about what I wanted before, I wasn't as sure anymore now that I can't talk to him anymore. I doubted about sending him a message, asking how he was doing but I couldn't do that to him unless I was sure.

"Time's up." Poppy said as she walked back in and I quickly locked my phone and put it away before I was dragged back to the party. "There's a cute guy over there who asked for your number but I said he should just ask you himself." She warned me before pushing me in the direction of a group of guys. One of them immediately looked up and send me a smile before walking over.

For the first time, I wanted to walk the other way. I didn't want to hook up with a random guy and just that short thought, made me down my last glass of tequila before pushing it back. I had to forget about it.

"Hey, I'm Ned." He said as he held out his hand politely.

"Lia, but I'm sure you knew that as this kinda is my birthday party." I said as a joke and he laughed softly as he nodded.

"How can I not know the name of the prettiest girl in the room." He said cheekily but I just smiled at his lame effort of complimenting me. "So how does it feel to finally be 21?"

"It feels great knowing I don't have to run anymore when cops show up at a party." I replied, it was a lame joke but he laughed with it anyway. The way he watched me, I knew he only had one goal but his friends behind him were watching us too.

"Do you want to go somewhere more privately to get to know each other?" He asked, only just loud enough to be heard over the music. I looked at him and he was cute, seemed to be in good shape and tall which was hopefull for what was underneath the layer of clothes.

"Yeah, sure." I said after a second and he smiled widely.

"Let me just tell my friends that I'll be gone for a bit and put my glass away, I'll meet you in the hallway?" He asked and I gave him a nod before he turned away and I was about to walk away when I saw his friend slip him two 10 dollar notes, and while his friend looked defeated, he looked like he won. I walked to the hallway anyway and sat down on the stairs to wait for him. It took him 5 minutes to follow but I didn't look up when he walked over.

"So how much was I worth? 20 bucks?" I asked when he stood in front of me without looking up.

"What are you talking about?" He asked but I could tell I had made him nervous.

"I saw him slip you money when you went back, so what was the bet? Who could sleep with me first or if you would be able to get me naked?" I asked him and he looked at me for a minute before letting out a sigh.

"They thought I was out of your league so we made a bet, but I guess I was right because you gave in within like 5 minutes." He said with a shrug, he didn't give a shit about my feelings and I didn't know what to do.

"So I guess I'm only worth 20 bucks. Thank you for being honest. I'm leaving so feel free to make up stories like everyone else does." I said with a shrug before getting up and walking out of the front door, I didn't want to go back in or even stay in the house at all. So I walked away and ignored the stares of the few people in the front yard. I kept going until I saw the neon lights of the night store.

It's good to finally be 21.

When I walked into the store, I immediately made my way to the liquor shelf and took out the best bottle of tequila I could find.

"I'm going to need to see an ID." The cashier said while he looked me up and down. I took out my wallet and showed him my ID, no longer needing the fake ID behind it. "Happy 21, young lady." He said before reaching for a brown paper bag to cover it up. "The bottle is free for the birthday girl, enjoy." He said with a grin and even though I was disgusted by him, I accepted the gift and walked back out.

Once I got back on campus, I walked over to the main field and sat down on a bench. I watched the people passing by while I sipped the tequila.

"Happy birthday to me." I whispered before taking a longer chug, I closed my eyes for a few seconds before taking in a deep breath.


LiaRose: happy 21 to me, to finally being able to drink legally ✌🏼

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LiaRose: happy 21 to me, to finally being able to drink legally ✌🏼

Poppyiscool: where tf are you
SamEvans: you look so hot
SamEvans: to forever being 21 and drinking every night
EmilieMiller: happy birthdayyyyyyy
ValerieMyers: not that you ever cared about drinking before
LiaRose: @valeriemyers never cared, never will


Oh hi, I'm still alive

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