14 - complicated

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Lia: can you please come to the front door? I don't want to ring the bell as it's 3am but your light is still on.
Lia: and now you turned off the light
Calum: I don't want to talk anymore
Lia: you really do sound like the girl wtf
Lia: come down please we need to talk
Calum: fuck off
Lia: I'd rather fuck you
Lia: okay bad timing, I take that back
Lia: unless you want to fuck first and then talk?
Calum: Lia, you don't want to be with me so do both of us a favour and leave.
Lia: it's pouring rain and I'm very close to smashing a window to get in and talk with you.
Calum: istg lia leave
Lia: alright I'm ringing the bell and someone will open the door because we need to talk
Calum: no don't, I'll be there in a minute

I put my phone away again and waited until the door would open. I was nervous and I believe I had every right to be. We hadn't spoken since that one night a month ago and now I'm standing in front of his door in the pouring rain. I don't think it can get any more cliche than this.

When I heard the door unlock, my heart started racing.

"What do you need Lia?" He asked, he was pissed off and tired but he had every right to be that too. I could have chosen a better time to do this than at 3am.

"We had a party at our house and I had a drink, or more like a lot, as I finally turned 21 today, wait no yesterday because it's 3am. Anyway I can't get them into trouble anymore by drinking." I said and he just looked at me, annoyed and exhausted. "I saw a cute guy and my drunk mind wanted to kiss him because I was lonely and Poppy was not in sight so I had nobody that would stop me. So I went over and he was with his friends but he stepped away from them to talk to me. We made out and we were about to go upstairs-"

"Get to the point Lia." He interrupted, not wanting to hear about who I kissed or had sex with.

"He said to one of his friends that they owed him 20 bucks. He thought I didn't hear but I did and I asked him. They bet on who would be able to have sex with me first." I said and his face softened, "Was I ever a bet to you? I need to know."

"Lia..." he started, his voice soft and almost apological.

"I was, wasn't I? What was the bet?"

"No, you were never a bet to me. I don't bet about sex or anything like that, especially not about you. But I thought you knew about them, because those guys aren't the first ones. Lia you are goddamn gorgeous, you are rich and you look innocent while the stories that get told about you are wild. Guys have been betting about being able to sleep with you since you joined college."

"I think there has been a lot of talking about me instead of to me." I replied softly as I looked down at my feet.

"Are you crying?" He asked

"No, it's just the fucking rain." I lied and he laughed softly, I was still standing in the pouring rain while he stood comfortably inside. He stepped aside to let me in and closed the door behind me.

"Why did you need to know if you were a bet to me? Why did you come here at 3am just to ask that?" He asked and I shook my shoulders without looking at him but he waited until I'd reply, he finally gave me a chance to talk after I didn't get one a month ago.

"Because I'm afraid of complicated. I'm not afraid of love, I'm afraid of the fights that follow and the arguments that last forever. I'm afraid for not being forgiven for a small mistake. I grew up in complicated, I am the product of it even. An attempt to make it simpler again and to fall in love again. But instead I grew up with a nanny and my mom was barely ever in the country and my dad spend his days in the office." I explained while I watched him, this might be the most I've ever told him about how I feel. "I tried to keep everything simple and casual, hookups but no relationships. I'd rather be alone than live like my parents. But then you called me a little girl during that truth or dare game. You belittled me and I got so pissed off at you because you didn't even know me. So I kissed you, made sure to kiss you just right because I knew the effect I had on you from the second our lips connected. I made sure to embarrass you for calling me a little girl. And then you kept looking at me, every party, every time we passed in the hallways and I don't know what it did to my mind but you got into it. I played along with your stupid games and to be honest I don't know who was suffering the most from them. So I finally made the first move at that party, we fucked and it was so good. I liked having to sneak around, making sure nobody saw me when I came to yours. Until we got caught and found out these guys just don't give a fuck about who you fuck." I said and he let out a soft chuckle, "What we had was great, the sex was good but it became more than that. I'd stay longer and we'd talk about stupid shit. It was simple and I loved it. But then you made it complicated, you said you liked me. And that scared the shit out of me. So I made it even more complicated until you finally said you had enough, which was your right. You wanted to protect yourself."

"You'd be a good writer." He said with a grin and I pushed his shoulder lightly, a laugh leaving my lips. Everyone always complains about me taking forever to get to the point.

"You got in my head Calum. When I talk to other guys, I think of you and I wonder if you'd be jealous to see me talking to them. And although complicated terrifies me, I'd rather have complicated with you than simple alone." I said and he looked at me, waiting for me to say something more. "You want me to say it even clearer?" I asked and he nodded with a laugh. "I think I'm falling for you Calum Hood."

"Good because I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to get over you." He said with a cheeky grin before placing his hands on my cheeks and crashing his lips on mine. I placed my hands on his side but he soon started laughing. "You're fucking soaked."

"I'm glad you've noticed that." I replied and he watched me with a smile.

"Will you stay the night?"

"Unless you want to drive me home, I'd like to stay for once." I said as I looked through the window. "I sat outside for two hours without a drop of rain and then it just came crashing down so I had to run back, but my mind told me to run to you." He let out a soft laugh as he watched me.

"I'll get you dry clothes and you should take a shower to heat up again. I don't want you to get sick." He said and I looked at him with a smile, he forgave me so easily for being a pain in the ass. He might not be so complicated after all.

"Will you join me? That would definitely help with heating up faster."

"I will never turn that down."

T H E   E N D

I know this is a crappy ending and it's only just the start of their story but writing became more of a task to me and my priorities in life just changed. I loved my 7 years on wattpad a lot and always loved writing but sadly enough that changed recently. That is why I decided to end the story here, it's up to you to imagine the rest of their story. I'm sorry.

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