10.2 - drunk

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I was woken up by the sound of something tapping against the window, I didn't want to wake up but after a good 5 minutes combined with laughter, I got up and walked to my window. Before opening it to be able to look outside but as soon as it was open, a small rock hit the side of my head.

"Shit sorry." She said laughing before dropping the remaining rocks she was holding.

"What the fuck are you doing here at 4am?" I asked her, trying not to shout too loud so I wouldn't wake any of the guys up.

"Yeah what the fuck are you doing here?" I heard Luke say from the window beneath me after it opened.

"Go back to sleep Luke, I'll handle this." I said to him as I looked down, he looked at me shortly before his window closed again and I looked at Lia.

"I missed a few times and hit his window too, sorry."

"Just stay there, I'm coming down." I said to her and she nodded before walking over to the front door. I closed the window again and put on some sweatpants and a sweater before leaving my room and going downstairs. When I opened the door she was just standing there, phone and car keys in her hands and a smile on her face. She was wearing a fancy dress, one she would never wear for a party and it perfectly hid the hickies I had left earlier. But when our eyes connected, I could tell right away that she had been drinking. "Lia did you drive here drunk?"

"I-" she said before she looked back at her car and at the keys in her hands, "Yeah turns out I did." She said laughing before looking at me. "It wasn't far though, I had a tequila bottle in my car and I drank it on the driveway of my house but then decided to come here. I tried to call you but you didn't pick up so I took some rocks to throw them at your window."

"Lia it is 4am, I didn't answer my phone because I was asleep. You could have been arrested and lost your license if they caught you driving drunk." I tried to get to her but she just laughed.

"Is it really 4am?" She asked and I looked at her worried, she might be laughing but her laugh was broken. "I'm sorry, you can go back to sleep if you don't want to have sex, I'll just go back home." She said as she turned around and wanted to walk away, I grabbed her arm and stopped her. "So sex?"

"You're not driving Lia." I said to her before pulling her inside and behind me to the kitchen. She leaned against the counter and watched me as I filled a glass with water for her. I handed it to her and she looked at it for a second before starting to drink it. "Where did you go after you left here this afternoon?"

"That is non of your business, we don't talk about feelings or anything, remember?"

"Lia, I'm worried about you." I told her and she let out a soft laugh. "I'm not letting you go home until you sober up."

"Then let's just have sex to pass time." She laughed but I let out a sigh.

"You have to sleep it off, and I know you don't do sleepovers so just crash on the couch."

"No fucking way, Emily's mom was raped in this house because she passed out. There's no fucking way that I'm sleeping on your couch." She said and I looked at her shocked for a second until she looked back at me. "If you don't want to have sex, I'll just go home because then it was a waste coming here."

"Alright, let's go upstairs." I said to her and she smiled before putting the glass down and starting to walk back to the hallways. I let out a sigh before following behind her upstairs. She was trying so hard to be quiet but failing miserably. I just followed and made sure she wouldn't trip and she seemed proud of herself to have made it upstairs and walked straight to my room. I watched her as she put her things on my desk before going over to my bed. "I don't have any condoms here anymore, but there's a box downstairs so I'll go get one."

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