Epilogue | A Blast into the future

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thank you for joining me on this  journey with Saima & Zayn <3



Seven years later

"After six long years in prison, Lawyer Alfred Robinson is back in for new charges against attempted murder - " I shut the TV off. A year ago, when he had gotten released, I did have some fear. I would rarely leave my house, making my poor children stay home. I didn't realize how irrational I was being until Zayn pointed it out, forcing me to go outside. Him being back in prison, felt like a safety blanket. But hearing how another life had been permanently tainted because he couldn't stay in longer was so disappointing, he had done what he did to me to someone else but this time it was Sexual Assault. 

 I rubbed my huge belly, such a shame with how our world was; every day, I'd fear for my babies, and with my fifth baby on the way, the stress didn't decrease. I didn't want my family to ever be in a situation like that. A person in power taking advantage, heck I don't know what I'd do if any of my babies were in such harm.

The sound of the door unlocking broke me out of my thoughts. Noor, Sarah, Waleed, and Abdallah ran to their father, Zayn getting engulfed by hugs and kisses the second the door opened.

"My babies!" He screamed out, attacking each of them with kisses as they giggled, each of them trying to get their father's attention. I sat on the couch, watching the heartwarming sight. Noor was now in First grade; she was such a beautiful girl inside and out. Her intelligence was undoubtedly admirable for her age.

We had Sarah a year after we adopted Noor. She was her father's spitting image; her bright green eyes were always filled with mischief and curiosity. As beautiful pregnancy was with Sarah, it was incredibly rough on my body. Nearly losing her was a trauma I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. That's why we waited so long for another baby, Zayn and I were both scared - mainly Zayn, but I needed another baby. The feeling of having Allah's creature in your womb was such a beautiful experience. So we were taking every precaution this time around.

 Waleed was Noor's brother - biologically. After many investigations, after adopting Noor, we were told she had a brother, who was with another relative who was now deceased. To this day, I still don't know how we found him, but DNA tests confirmed they were siblings. It was a miracle. At this time, we didn't know if having three kids in two years was smart, but we couldn't let him go. Waleed was a fantastic kid, so incredibly shy and quiet always in those books of his.

We had adopted Abdallah from Syria; it was tough to do so with international laws, but we did it, and I couldn't imagine my life without him

 Lastly, we had another little angel on the way. With my due date being any day now we were all so excited.

"Now, where are my other babies?" Zayn asked, pulling away from the kids and coming over to me; he kissed me on the forehead and kissed my belly, taking a seat on the couch beside me.

"How are we feeling today?" He asked rubbing my belly, I leaned my head against his shoulder, 

"Tired, exhausted, and nauseous," I said as I watched my kids run around chasing their Khala. Zara had grown up to be a beautiful woman. She was in her third year of university while running her own Henna business. Most days, though, she'd spend with me helping me take care of the kids when my Nanny wasn't here.

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