12 | regrets

866 88 76

//Grab a snack... or two because this is going to be a looong ride. There are also some themes in the chapter that may be uncomfortable or triggering (self harm) when you see this symbol: ~ stop reading then continue once you see it again. Alrighty lights... Camera... Action! Lets begin...//



It had been a couple days since I got the job, and I start Monday!
So 3 days from now!
Since then, all I've been doing is studying, studying, and STUDYING.

I decided to take a break and go to a party with Mary! She said it was a tiny party with some of her friends, so I agreed.

I threw on my favorite oversized t-shirt with a long sleeve under my favorite mom jeans, a black chiffon hijab, and some white vans and headed out the door.

"Where are you going," Mama asked.

I already told her like 2 days ago, but I responded, "Mary and I are going to hang out with some of her friends."

"Is she Muslim?" Mama asked

My parents didn't mind me being friends with non-muslims because it's not a big deal, but it always made them feel a bit better if they were.


"Can I meet her?" She asked

"Inshallah, another day, Mama, we're running late," I said even though we weren't, I just didn't want Mary to get questioned by my mom.

I was about to leave when she asked.

"Did you pray, Asr?"

"Yes," I lied and walked out the door.


We walked into the house and all I could smell was Booze
I should not be here
I should leave
But something in my head told me it would be alright I mean, I wouldn't be drinking or doing anything

As we walked through the house, I could see people making out on the couch, playing beer pong ... and as we walked past the bedrooms, there were some really weird noises...


"I thought this was a small party?" I asked Mary in a somewhat aggressive tone.

"Chill, Saima .. there they are," she said, pointing to a group of girls and boys sitting in a circle.

Mary went over and plopped onto some guy's lap.

I slowly sat down in an empty spot beside this girl.

"Hey, I'm Ashlynn."

"Saima," I said, shaking her hand that wasn't holding a beer can.

"oh... Guys, this is Saima. She's in my study group!"


"Nice to meet ya, cutie," some weird looking boy said

"Beer?" Ashlynn offered

"No, thanks, I don't drink," I politely declined, giving her a small smile, so I don't seem rude.

"Okay, let's play Truth or Dare," someone suggested

Oh gosh, this is not going to end well.

I should leave. I can just call Angie to come to pick me up.

I was getting up, but Ashlynn yanked me down.

"One round....... then you can..... leave," she said, slurring.

A Promise | 🗸Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin