Mu Jin saw the photos and nearly broke down. He couldn’t believe that the person he thought was his best friend would tell someone to do such a thing to him and even take pictures to threaten him. No matter what circumstances these pictures were taken in, no matter whether or not he was the victim, as long as they were made public, the school would expel him. Even if he continued to paint in the future, no one would be willing to buy a painting from someone involved in a serious scandal. Not to mention that he had no evidence to prove that those photographs had been taken when he was unconscious.

Mu Jin was threatened by Su Mo and could only listen to him. Every once in a while he would provide him a pair of paintings. Mu Jin's extreme pain actually allowed his inspiration to explode, and he created a lot of famous paintings. And these works all became the stepping stone for Su Mo to successfully become a well-known painter. And Mu Jin himself just silently painted for Su Mo.

Later, Su Mo showed those photos to Wu Xiuyuan, and Wu Xiuyuan immediately changed his attitude towards Mu Jin. He would humiliate and deride him, and his gaze when looking at Mu Jin would be like he was looking at something dirty.

Mu Jin just silently endured all this, until he could no longer bear it anymore. Even then he still didn’t get to do anything, because when he was soullessly crossing the road, he was killed by a car. Before he died, Mu Jin felt no pain at all, but rather a feeling of long-awaited relief. He only regretted that he had not been able to get revenge on Su Mo and Wu Xiuyuan. He thought, if he could do everything over, he would need to double the revenge toward these two men, and also return to them twice the pain that they had made him suffer.

Mu Jin’s original soul had already left for another world, and Jing Yang was the one who came to get revenge in his place. Jing Yang was reincarnated to that time he had been drugged but before he had been photographed. His physical alertness had allowed him to not be taken away by those people, instead running out of the bar and then meeting with his lover in his life, who saved him.

After getting used to the good days and the pampered life, he was very unaccustomed to such a narrow bed. After understanding everything, he sat up and leaned against the wall, thinking about his next plans.

In this life because he had entered this world, Su Mo had failed in his plan to take those photos, so he would definitely find another opportunity to make a move. Jing Yang was not afraid of not having a chance to retaliate against him. And there was Su Mo and Wu Xiuyuan’s relationship, and the fact that they would often secretly get together. He could also take advantage of that. Since in the past Su Mo used those photos to threaten Mu Jin, then in this life, he would use this way to take care of them.

With a plan in mind, he immediately stood up to pack his things. In fact, he really didn’t have anything to pack. He would basically be fine just taking the suitcase under his bed. As for all of the drawings and paintings in his room, he could just have people bring them away after he settled down.

Su Mo was pouring water in the living room when he saw Jing Yang pulling his suitcase out of his room. He looked at him in shock and asked, “Mu Jin, where are you going?"

“Right now it’s just the two of us, you don’t need to pretend anymore. Do you think that as we are now we can continue to live under the same roof?” Jing Yang crossed his arms and said, “How stupid do you think I am? To continue living here and then let you continue to plagiarize my work."

Su Mo felt that his atmosphere and attitude were very different from usual and suddenly felt a little uncertain and timid. But he soon readjusted and spoke the already thought out words: “I did imitate your painting, I apologize to you, but I only did so because I really wanted to win the prize for the competition. Seeing our friendship for so many years, can you forgive me this time? I promise that there will definitely be no next time."

Cannon Fodder Cheat Systemजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें