Game Developer [11.4]

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Chapter 149

One of the shareholders rose up silently and walked out just as the others were still reeling from the shock. After a while, a few more shareholders also walked out. Others followed suit and exited the conference room one by one.

Jing Yang's announcement that he would transfer his shares moved the majority of them. The company is now thriving. Xi Le owns a substantial amount of the company's shares. If they can buy the shares in his hands, they will have some of the best shares in the company.

Jing Yang sat in the office and noticed that Zheng Yongren was the first person to enter. This shareholder is Xi Le's most ardent backer in the company. Now, Jing Yang has stated that he will no longer serve as president and will no longer engage in the company's operations; even if the shares are sold, he cannot remain indifferent.

"Did Mr. Zheng come to discuss the shares transfer with me?" Jing Yang asked.

"I'm wondering why you made such a hasty decision." Zheng Yongren, who is over 50 years old, has been working with Xi Le's grandfather since Xi Le was a child. He frequently defends and supports Xi Le, not only because he is a capable person, but also because Xi Le is the heir whom his grandfather nurtured and treasured.

"I simply want to excel in making games. I'm sick and tired of fighting for power. Even if you win the fight, there is no point in continuing; so, I just simply let it go." Jing Yang was completely truthful.

"Your grandfather worked tirelessly to build the family business from scratch. It's a shame he died so suddenly before he could plan anything. I believe he does not want anyone else but you to inherit this company, especially not Xi Rui." Zheng Yongren said.

"What can I do then?" said Jing Yang, "Even if I don't get along with Xi Guangshan, he is still my father. I don't think my grandfather would approve of our father and son fighting. I'm going to leave, and it'll be beneficial to everyone."

"So, you've made your decision to leave?" Zheng Yongren was inexplicably sad, and he regretted the former chairman's sudden death once more.

"Yes, I've already decided to leave. I'm not going to reconsider, and I'm going to sell my shares as soon as possible. Would Mr. Zheng like to buy the shares in my hand?" Jing Yang asked.

"When you leave, what kind of good development will the company have with Xi Guangshan and Xi Rui? It would be pointless for me to buy your shares. Perhaps I should also consider leaving." Zheng Yongren pondered.

"Mr. Zheng has always been a sensible person," Jing Yang added with a smile.

Jing Yang had no intention of selling his shares to Zheng Yongren. After all, Zheng Yongren had previously helped Xi Le greatly. He will not bite the hand that feeds him.

"I see what you're getting at." Zheng Yongren is also aware of Xi Guangshan's personality, and while he laments that Xi Le had to leave the company, he understands his struggles and helplessness.

"If you wish to go on your own, I can support you financially. Consider it as me making an investment in you."

Jing Yang shook his head and said, "I already have an idea and plan, but I'm not doing it alone. It would be very difficult to do it alone now that the game industry has developed."

"Okay. If you need help, you can come to me at any time," Zheng Yongren sighed.

"I appreciate it." Jing Yang expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

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