Interstellar Internet Celebrity Live Broadcast Competition [Arc 3.6]

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Chapter 33

The first round was finished. All of the competitors returned to the airship to rest, and the live broadcast was temporarily closed.

Before everyone went to rest, Ruth said, “All of you will have one day and night of time to rest. The live broadcast has been suspended, so you can all relax properly for a bit. On the airship there is an infirmary room, those who are injured can go to get treatment. Each of you has a separate room to rest in, the facilities inside are quite complete, so please don’t walk around randomly on the airship. The only area open to you is the lounge area, for other places you will need to apply for entry. If someone breaks the rules, they will be kicked out of the competition directly.”

Ruth clapped her hands. “All right! You can all go rest, tomorrow you will face an even more difficult competition. Take advantage of this time to raise your spirits well.”

The crowd dispersed, and everyone returned to their own rooms. First, of course, they all wanted to take a bath to relax their bodies.

Jing Yang opened the door to his room to go in. Kedi paused when he was passing by Jing Yang’s room, watching his back disappear into his room. Only after the door closed did he continue walking forward.

His three personal scores were all higher than Milton’s, but he was actually not happy about it, because Milton’s reaction was completely beyond his expectations. The judges were clearly biased towards him, but despite Milton’s easily provoked personality, he actually did not get angry, and also did not go argue with the judges.

From the past, the more Milton argued and the angrier he got, the remarks he made would be more likely to make him hated by netizens. He had never thought that Milton would be able to endure like this, and even more so did not think that Milton’s abilities would be even stronger than his. If they continued on like this, it would be very unfavorable for him.

After Kedi finished taking a bath he immediately went over to find his two teammates. They needed to take advantage of the live broadcast being suspended to properly discuss and plan.

Ruth went back to her own room and found her most beautiful clothes to put them on. Right now she especially regretted not bringing a few more dresses over. After she changed and put on some makeup, Ruth put on the bracelet that Jing Yang gifted to her, and took many 3D images. She picked a few of the best looking ones and posted them on her personal profile. Instantly quite a few people commented, wanting to buy the bracelet on her wrist.

Ruth cast her own support ticket to Jing Yang, and then sent out messages to her family and friends, as well as some people pursuing her, telling them that they had to also cast a vote for Jing Yang.

Not until she received news about a meeting did Ruth finally change back her clothes and walk out the room.

Just when she reached the door of the conference room, she saw the three judges walk out with especially ugly expressions. Ruth quietly asked another male assistant, “What happened?”

The male assistant also quietly responded, “We have received complaints from many netizens saying that the competition is operating under the banner of fairness and impartiality, but we didn’t actually achieve it. And then, the big Boss personally gave the order to severely punish the three judges.”

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