" Your dad seems like the kind of guy who likes to barbecue. I bet he had a great ribs recipe" Reggie pointed out. I don't really know if Reggie knew this or not, but, he should know that friendship he's wants to have with her dad is definitely going to be one-sided.

" I don't know. But if you guys wanna talk to me, it has to be in the studio. He's worried about me enough as it is" Julie dismissed Reggie. " He's seems chill. You should just tell him about us" Luke disagreed with her. But I shook my head at him.

" You're kidding, right? This past year, everyone's been watching over me, being super nice, as if they're waiting for me to snap. If I tell my dad I met a ghost band, I'll be back to talking to Dr. Turner three days a week" I remember the nights I would hang out with Julie in her room and when we started getting close, she told me about some of the things that she had to go through.

" Yea, let's not tell him" I agreed. " Julie..." I turned to Luke who was back to staring at the box. " Oh my god! I thought I told you to leave it alone!" She yelled at him. " I know. You just should've said nothing. Now I can't stop thinking about it, so... What's in the box, Julie?" Luke asked again. I just rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

" It's just my dream box, ok? Whenever I get a thought, I write it down and get it out of my mind" Julie explained. " Like lyrics?" Luke questioned. "They would be if I still wrote music like I used to with my mom. Now it's just full of stuff that doesn't make me sad" She frowned, which made me frown.

" But, I mean, you do play. We heard you this morning" Alex pointed out. " In the garage?" She asked. Luke, and I each hit either side of Alex's shoulder. " Yea, y'all got caught" I mumbled as I sat on Julie's bed, closer to her. " So you were there too?" Julie looked at the rest of them.

The boys tried to come up with a lie. "So where is the kitchen, by the way?" Luke tried to distract her as he ended up laying next to me. "Ok, we need to set some boundaries. For starters, stay out of my room!" Julie pointed to the door. The boys got up and walked out immediately, Reggie strumming his guitar as he was the last person to leave.

" Hey, how was school?" I asked as I patted the spot next to me, she sighed and sat down. "Not good. I asked to see if I could get back into the music program, and she said no" I frowned as Julie looked at the picture of her mom. "Do you want me to scare her? 'Cause I will, just say the word" Julie smiled slightly.

"I'll help you figure something out, Julie. Don't worry" I reassured as I have her one last smile before poofing out with a snap of my fingers.


Adira poofed back into the garage and started looking through her things. She wanted to help Julie back into the music program, and she was gonna give her a song to help. A few minutes later, she sighed as she poofed on the couch. She couldn't find a song that she wrote that she thought would be good enough for Julie.

Out of the corner of Adira's eye, she saw a piece of paper on the piano. She got up and saw that it was an old song she and Luke wrote. "That bitch" she mumbled angrily. Adira looked at the clock on the wall and saw that Julie would be up around this time and be in the kitchen. She snapped her fingers and poofed into the kitchen, just to see Luke standing in the fridge.

"You've got some nerve, Patterson" at the sound of her voice, Luke jumped and turned around slowly. "Don't do that! And what nerve do I have?" Luke asked. Adira held up the paper. "Really? Bright? I distinctly remember when you guys kicked me out of the band that I told you to trash the songs that you and I wrote. Why can't you listen?" Luke's eyes widened as he tried to come up with an excuse.

"I just couldn't get rid of it! I mean, the range and riffs that you added were incredible" Adria would've smiled if she didn't have a problem with him right now. "I told you that you could keep it as long as you changed my parts. Obviously you didn't" Adira tried to keep her voice low, seeing as she hasn't told Julie why she didn't get along with Luke and Reggie.

"Look, we can call it even for you stea-" as soon as he said the words, he instantly regretted it. They were just starting to be civil towards one another, and he just ruined it. "Go ahead, finish that sentence. I dare you" she said lowly. Anger was rushing through her veins. Adria was trying to be nice, well... as nice as you could possibly be when someone accuses you of stealing. But, she was trying for Alex, and now, she couldn't.

"I'm honestly so tired of you" she said with a huff as she hopped off the counter. "Really? Please tell me" he said sarcastically, but old anger began to rise in him as well. "You are about the biggest idiot I have ever fucking met!" She was trying to steady her voice, but pent up anger was really making it hard. "Oh, really? I didn't steal your song and lie to you about it" Luke retorted.

"Well, as you and Reggie said, forgive and forget, right? You know I didn't take your song, you know I didn't. Luke, you know I'm the most honest person you've ever met. You just to weak minded to realize that somebody else took it" the tension in the room was thick with anger. Chests heaving up and down, as they stared at each other. Neither of them realizing that they were face to face.

"Guys?" They broke their stare off as they turned to the voice.

I Fell Again - Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now