All she wanted

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I couldn't explain the anguish I felt as I walked out of the class towards Principal Peters' office. My heart rammed against my rib cage, trepidation washing over me when we were called in by the secretary.

While I sat still, Mr Douglas explained what played out in class earlier. Principal Peters' intense eyes glanced at me at different intervals during Mr Douglas' report. When he was done talking, she asked Nancy for her own point of view, which she aggressively gave.

Then it was the time I'd dreaded.
The time where I had to defend myself.

Unfortunately, It was something I'd done all my life but at that moment, I wasn't up to it at all which was why I could only manage a single sentence reply to Principal Peters' question.

‘Carol...’ She began gravely. ‘you know theft is outlawed in Paramount High. What do you have to say for yourself?’

That question. Somehow, whenever I was asked that question, whatever I had to say always did nothing to justify me and it numbed something inside of me every single time. 

But I still had to say something didn't I?

‘No. I didn't do it, Ma.’ I stated lifelessly.

‘Of course she'd say she didn't.’ Nancy murmured.

Principal Peters sighed, shifting her attention to the other two—Ola and Sheilagh who looked like they'd rather be somewhere else.

‘Well?’ Principal Peters' asked. ‘Why are you two here?’

‘Ma, um—'

‘I did it.’ Ola's words cut Sheilagh's mid sentence.

I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was, and so was every other person in the office.

Anger brewed within me and at that moment, all eyes turned to face Ola.

‘Why are y'all looking at me like this, na. It was just a prank jor. I didn't even think it'd get this far.’ He shrugged nonchalantly.

Meanwhile, Principal Peters was seething on her seat.

‘Ola, this is the last time I'd accept such nonsense from you! What do you take this school for, ehn?’
I could literally feel the anger emanating from principal Peters eyes which was quite terrifying, but I was too blinded by anger to dwell on it.

Of course his immunity would prevent any real actions to be taken against him.
What was playing out before me was a real life example of how unfair life was.

But he promised, I thought as my hands balled into fists on their own accord. My nails would draw blood from my palm if I pressed it in any further.

Ola promised to stay off my back and Tom's if I tutored him for the mock exams we just finished two weeks ago, so why all this? I wish I could slap the self satisfying smile out his stupid face!

‘Erm, I'm sorry for his behaviour, Ma. ’ Mr Douglas quickly intercepted before the principal disintegrated Ola with her laser eyes.

‘I'm sure he has mouth to apologize for himself!’ Principal Peters spatted angrily.
Sheilagh jabbed Ola on his ribs which he responded with a scowl before he grudgingly spoke up.

‘I'm sorry Ma.’

‘Just....leave, get out of my office, all of you! Except you, Mr Douglas.’ The exasperation in Principal Peters' voice was clear enough.

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