Secret Siren

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My reflection stared back at me as I stood in front of the mirror.

I adjusted the collar of my dress shirt and straightened my vest.  Fully dressed, my feet remained rooted in front of my mirror. Something was missing and I knew it. My hooded eyes glared back at me as the feeling washed over me again.


It nipped at my joy, making me wish I could unsay the hurtful words I said the Carol. 

“I even called her a slut.” I groaned, leaning in until my forehead rested on the mirror.

What was I thinking, judging her like that? I thought I had proof, you know. Seeing her with Ola the other day and then yesterday when I trailed her.

I thought that was all I needed to confirm my suspicion. Why was I so suspicious anyways? It could have been anything.

 She was right. I could have simply asked her to tell me the truth instead of assuming.
So much for being smart.

“This isn't the time for this.” I muttered to myself. I was supposed to be excited.

I hadn't seen my dad in years and today we'd be having family time together as I've always dreamed. So why was I letting this...feeling swallow me whole like this? I could not afford to ruin this evening.

I straighted up, shaking my head side to side as if that was enough to will the sadness away. 

I took a deep breath causing the weariness to slowly dissipate as I felt myself relax.

“I can do this.” I told myself, adjusting my collar and vest at the sound of my mother calling my name.


The twilight was illuminated by the streetlights lined up on both side of the road, adding colour to the buzzing night life on this part of the city as mum drove us down to Kelly's lounge to meet dad.

It was exhilarating to take in—the starlit sky, the blinking lights from the ships floating about on the ocean as we drove down the bridge, the kaleidoscope of light from the houses, shops and bars and the overall thrill of night life which I've been estranged from— until now. 

I felt excited and anxious at the same time. What if we have an encounter with Seyi Badmus' henchmen? I heard he had them scattered about the city.

My palms started to grow clammy and I wiped them on my slacks. I started to fiddle with my watch to keep my hands busy. Hopefully we'd arrive at Kelly's Lounge soon.

In one piece.

I watched the twinkling lights decorating the shrubs at the entrance of Kelly's Lounge as mum drove through the gate, towards the parking lot.

Kelly's Lounge was a quite posh lounge, unlike the local bars that were scattered about the city. It's building stood tall, about a few storeys as I craned my neck through the window to take in it's grandeur. I'd heard about it from classmates, even seen the advert on television but never had the opportunity or the invitation to come,  based on my none-existent social life and the need to lie low for reasons you already know. The neon sign which held the name of the lounge was situated at the top of the building in eye-catching fonts. I inhaled deeply as the smell of grilled chicken wafted into my nostrils, causing my stomach to murmur in delight. The entire scenery was beautiful.

“Tom!” Motther snapped at me, causing me to retract my head into the car.

Mumbling an appology, mum parked her car on a free spot a bit far from the entrance. There were a lot of cars already parked closer to the main entrance. I guess it was expected being it was weekend.

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