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It was monday, the day our Mock SSCE examinations began.

I was up for the most part of sunday night, revising the day's paper. The weather was chilly, making it quite challenging to get out of bed and more appealing to remain cocooned between my comforter. But then, I knew what was at stake if I did so I grudgingly stumbled out of bed to prepare for school.

SS3 students were spared from attending the assembly because of our exams so on arriving at school, I made a beeline for the hall to be used for the exams.

Most of my classmates were already in the hall seated, wearing a solemn look on their faces as they engaged in the risky act of last minute reading. That was something I had trained myself a long time ago to avoid.

Reading at the dine minute appeared to be helpful, but most times it resulted to something I liked to call knowledge displacement where knowledge one has previously gained or assimilated is replaced by the new one being absorbed.

Okay, enough of my nerdish talk.

We were given identification numbers the previous week which we would be using during the exams. I noticed those numbers were pasted serially on the seats so I decided to search for mine. The Identification numbers were given according to the first letter of our surnames. I knew I'd find my seat towards the middle because my surname began with an I.

“45...45...” I muttered as I ran my eyes over each seat number. I halted as I got to 44.
I was surprised to find Sheilagh on my seat.
My chest ached as I remembered the words she said to me last friday. Unable to withstand her presence, I turned away sharply, walking towards the back. I couldn't stand looking at her at the moment. Our last conversation still haunted me.

“Tom please wait!” She called out to me. I was halfway close to the door but I stopped at the sound of my name. Slowly, I turned to face her, avoiding her eyes.

“Hey.” I whispered.

Use your big boy voice, I said to myself.
Clearing my voice, I spoke again. “Sheilagh. What do you want?”

Okay, maybe not that harsh.

Her jaw twitched, then she spoke.
“Hey Tom. I just wanted to say I'm sorry.”

“'For what? For what you did or for getting caught?” I frowned.

“Tom, please. Just hear me out.” She let out an exasperated sigh.

I let her lead us to a more secluded part of the hall, close to the inbuilt bathroom.

“I'm sorry for everything. For snooping around Carol's personal stuff, for all the mean stuffs I said to you...I was wrong.”

Her soft voice melted the stubborn resolve in my heart.

I still tried to put up a strong front but deep down, I knew she had me where she wanted me.

“So you're saying you didn't mean what you said about us?”

“I just said that to get you to stay away because I was ashamed after you caught me with Carol's journal.”

She took my hands in hers and a slight shiver travelled down my arms.

“Forgive me.” She whispered. I made the mistake of looking into her eyes. Her honey brown eyes pierced through my thick exterior and my face softened. I chided myself that I couldn't stay angry with her. She had that effect on me.

“It's alright, Shelly. I forgive you.”

She took me by surprise by pulling me into a hug. I froze on my feet, unable to move any part of me as I was hypnotized by her floral fragrance which invaded my senses. Slowly, I wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go.

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