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I was awake, but I wasn't.

Confusing right?

That was exactly how I felt lying still, unable to open my eyes or even move any part of my body. I was terrified, and having my mind active but my body immobile was a genuine cause for alarm but slowly, after several attempts at waking up to no avail, I just stopped trying. I knew what it was, but I just wasn't ready to accept it.

I was comatose.

Meanwhile my other senses refused to sleep like my eyes decided to, so I had gotten acquainted with a few voices, like a scratchy male voice which I presume was the doctor's, mumbling figures and medical gibberish whenever he showed up.

Then there where the quiet ones, who barely spoke in whispers like they're afraid to speak too loud in order not to wake me up.

Quite ironic if you ask me. I couldn't even wake up when I wanted to.

The last thing I remembered was when I lost my footing and fell off the mountain. I could almost taste the horror that filled my heart as I fell. Now it's like I'm trapped in my body.

Or maybe in a chasm, and the thing about being in a chasm was that you just keep falling into nothingness. The only thing you are surrounded with are thoughts and memories, usually the best and worst memories. Where reality meld with memories creating something distorted sometimes, taking various shapes and forms. It ends up as haunting with a tragic end, other time soothing, bearing hope of a promising future.

I had completely lost track of time. How long I had been in this state, I couldn't say, but it felt quite hot that particular hour. Usually someone puts on the fan when it gets hot but this time, I felt my temperature rise and I could do nothing about it. A short while after, cool air wrapped me in it's arms and my heart swelled with gratitude to whoever was responsible. I even tried muttering thank you but my lips just refused to open.

Oh well, at least I tried.

Whatever relief I felt was short-lived, when the second person in the room spoke.

“What have I done?”


It can't be him. It has to be someone else. Any body else but him.

The last memory of him decided to replay in my head without my consent.

‘Say something, Carol.’ His voice was edgy, like he was on the brink of loosing his cool.

‘I have nothing to say.’  I replied flatly.

‘I just risked my ass for you and you have nothing to say?’ Ola was clearly angry. ‘To hell with you, Carol! That's why you don't have friends and would probably die alone.’ He spatted before storming out if the office with a slam.

It was hard to believe he would come here.

It couldn't be Ola.

Heavy footsteps echoed in the small room and I felt my heart beat plummet.

Why was he here? Did he come to finish me off? To ensure I died alone like he said?

I felt a part of my bed sink, and I knew his bulky figure was seated on my bed. I wonder how he would kill me. Would he wrap his hands around my neck and watch life dissappear from my eyes or would he be too repelled to watch and use a sack or a pillow instead? Maybe I was being paranoid, but I just couldn't bring myself to calm down. Whatever landed me here must have messed with my head badly.

‘Carol...’ His voice was shaky, like he was on the verge of tears. ‘Carol what did you do to yourself?’ He whispered. I felt his cold knuckles graze my cheeks and I could feel my heart ram heavily against my ribcage.

‘Carol, I'm...I...Christ, I shouldn't have come here. What am I doing?’ For the first time Ola was a stuttering mess and I couldn't even be awake to see it. But his lack of words did nothing to allay my spiralling emotions.

Soon, the warning sound of the heart monitor increased as my breathing breathing grew more erratic.

‘What the...Shit!’ I heard him curse in panic.

‘Carol?’ I felt his sweaty palms pat my cheeks, as if that would suddenly make me wake up. By this time my chest was heaving and I was gasping for air, even though the oxygen tank pumped fresh oxygen through my nostrils.

‘Carol?! Nurse! Doctor! Somebody please help!’ Ola screamed as the heart monitor began to raise alarm. I felt myself slipping ever so slowly. Maybe this was it. For a long time I had prayed to God to take me so all misery would come to an end and I would be at peace, but being at the brink of death, I realise I am not ready to face what comes at the other side.

The faint sound of hurried footsteps filled my ears, followed by sudden calm which washed over me.

I felt myself slip and fall again. Slowly I was swallowed back into the dreaded abyss.


Look who's  back y'all! Yassss, It's me!

I know this chapter is short ish, but I had to write it this way because of what's happens in the next chapter.  So stay tuned and hopefully I'll update soon!

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