Secrets Unravelled

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A child.

I definitely did not expect to see a chubby child standing in front of me outside right after I opened the door, lifting my weapon to strike.

“Good evening Uncle Tom.” The little girl greeted with a curtsy, her doe eyes looking up at me in confusion.

“Who's that Tom?” Mother's voice whispered from where she cowered at the dining room.

“It's just Lil Bee, mum.” I replied her as I massaged my forehead. This was all too much for me. The adrenaline rush from earlier had started to fade as I gazed at the little girl standing in front of me with a stick on her hand.


So that was how she was able to knock so loud.

“My mummy said you should please come and help us check our light. There's NEPA light but we are the only ones that don't have. Mum wants to make dinner and also help me with my assignments, but we need the light...”

Benita, fondly called Lil Bee, rambled on.
“What does she want?” Mother questioned.
I leaned back sightly to reply her.

“Light issues. I'm sure it's the phase but let me quickly check.”

“Do you have to?” Mother voice faltered. I sensed the fear in her voice as she spoke. I wonder what happened to her on her way home. Could the threat still be lingering outside? I shivered.

Dismissing the thought as quickly as it came, I took a step inside, closing the door halfway.

“We can't just send Lil Bee back if it's really unsafe outside.”

I whispered. “ I'll be really quick, Ma.”

Lil Bee and I walked to their apartment a few minutes away. I took a look around outside before stepping into their house.

I greeted Benita's mum, popularly called Mama Bee. She was a thickset lady with breathing problems which sounded like the buzzing of bees.

I bet that was partly the source of her nickname.

“Ah, Tom. Sorry for disturbing you oh. Please help us check the light thing. I'm too tired to check it and I need the light this evening.”

“Yes Ma.” I headed towards the electicity meter. They had a three-phase circuit so I decided to change phase and immediately, bright yellow light filled the house.

“Up NEPA!!!” Lil Bee rejoiced, hugging me as I stepped down from the stool I climbed on to check the light.

Mama Bee thanked me profusely and after successfully releasing myself from Lil Bee's clutches, I stumbled out of their apartment.

Cold air hit my face as I stepped into the darkness barely illuminated by the lazy reflection of white and yellow light from surrounding homes. I walked a few steps and that was when I noticed him.

A man stood, shrouded in darkness, his dark eyes seemed to watch me intently. I averted his gaze, swallowing hard as I attempted to act natural, walking briskly towards our small flat. I felt his eyes on me and doubled my steps, clicking the gate shut and bolting the doors immediately after I entered.

Mum noticed the urgency with which I locked the door and started towards me.
“Tom! Tom, what happened?!”

I rested my back on the door I just locked, catching my breath. My heart was fast beating as static whined in my ears. I closed my eyes, taking deep, steady breaths. I opened my eyes to see mother in front of me, her hands shaking my shoulders.

“Tom!” She whispered. “What did you see out there? Where you followed?”

Her eyes darted quickly towards the door and back to me.
“Em...maybe? I'm not sure mum, but I think I–I saw someone.” I stammered, letting myself be dragged by mum towards her room.

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