Part 26

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I pull my shawl tighter over my cold shoulders. It's been about 30 minutes since Nate abandoned me at the prom. I know that he wouldn't just leave me here, I mean even Nate Jacobs wants to attend prom. I decide to call him, I didn't want to be too clingy but it's getting ridiculous now. He answers on the first ring.

"Hello? I think you might have forgotten about me" I say. "No I haven't, just wait" he says in a monotone. "Nate I'm not going to just sit here and wait for you all night in the cold. I'm freezing out here" I say. "Well then go inside" he replies. "Nate I'm not going to walk in there alone" I say. "Well Cassie I'm going to be a little while so" he replies. I hang up before he can say anything else. What a dick. What could he possibly be doing? I truly don't understand.

I decide to walk inside. Even though I'll find it embarrassing, I'd rather not freeze to death. I walk in and see the girls all sitting around the table, and Maddy sitting with them. As I approach, Maddy gives me a glare. I sit down next to Lexi and smile. I can sense that the girls on the table seem to be on Maddy's side as they're not as bubbly toward me as usual.. except Lexi. She leans over and says in a hushed tone "I think that it takes two to tango, and I'm glad that you and Nate are happy. I think you'll be better for him". I really hope so. "Thank you Lexi, honestly I really love him. He makes every part of my body light up all the time. Even just the thought of him drives me crazy" I say. "I get it, and just know that you'll always have a friend in me" she says. It's a relief to know that at least some people have my back, and that I haven't completely lost all my friends. "Where is Nate?" Lexi says. Ugh. "Well, I'll be honest... I don't know" I say. "What? What do you mean?" She says. "Well his parents didn't take too well to meeting me so he dropped me off and said he'd be back and never has come back. I called him and he just said wait so. I don't really know what to do. He was mad when he left" I say. Lexi just kind of looks at me blankly as if she's experiencing déjà vu. I'm sure this type of this has happened a lot to Maddy before so maybe she might have some good advice. "I guess you'll just have to wait then" she says. Hmm maybe scratch that last part about good advice. "I guess so" I smile and reach straight for my phone. Nate is about to be flooded with texts.

Me: Where the fuck are you?!

Hopefully that will piss him off enough to reply. *DING*. Sooner than expected.

Nate: Good to know I'm dating an impatient bitch. Calm down.

This boy.

Me: First off, you DITCHED me so yeah I'm impatient. Secondly, I won't calm down. Also I'm not a bitch. What are you even doing?

Nate: Letting off steam.

Me: What? Letting off steam? How?

Nate: I'll be at the prom in exactly 15 minutes. Happy?

Me: Much. See you soon.

Thank god, however he didn't answer my question about how he's letting off steam. I hope he doesn't have some weird fetish or rock up drugged or drunk. God forbid.

After impatiently waiting, I finally see Nate rock up. I rest my head on Lexi's shoulder and whisper "thank god". "Hey baby" I hear Nate say before he kisses me on the cheek and sits down next to me... in front of Maddy and all of the girls. Maddy just glares him down. It's not fair to be rubbing it in her face, so I decide to move us both away. "Want to go dance?" I say. "Yeah of course" he relies. We stand up and make our way onto the dance floor. We begin to dance but I feel Nate's attention is elsewhere. He leans down and grabs my ass, hiking my dress up so that my ass cheeks are basically on show for everyone to see. "What the fuck?" I say as I push his hands away and pull my dress down. "What?" He replies. "I'd rather not have my ass on show for everyone to see?!" I shriek. "Ugh whatever" he says. "Where even were you" I say. "It's really none of your business" he says. "None of my business? Alright that's fine then" I say. "Good, can we dance now?" He says before I can interject further. "Can my ass cheeks remain under my dress?" I say. "Fine" he say as he begins to dance with me again. I still feel like his attention is elsewhere so I sneakily look up and him to see where his gaze is as, and it is certainly not me. I turn around and follow his gaze to Maddy. She is staring right back at him. The second I see this, she gets up and walks over to a random guy and starts to dance on him. She looks like a desperate prostitute trying to get her next pay check. Ugh. The 'class'. She's clearly trying to annoy Nate and it's clearly working. I turn back and face Nate. "Are you jealous?" I say. "About fucking what" he says seriously. "The fact that Maddy is dancing with that guy and he's lapping it up" I giggle. "Shut the fuck up I'm not jealous" he says. "Well your reaction says otherwise. Do you still love her?" I say. "No, she's a whore" he says. "Is she really a whore or is she just a whore because you're no longer dating her" I say. "No she's a fucking whore full stop and why the fuck are you questioning me" he spits. "Because it seems like you shouldn't be in a relationship right now. Especially if you're still in love with Maddy" I say. "I'll do what I want to do" he says. "Okay" I reply and leave it at that. The tension is awful the whole prom. You can see it in the air like a thick fog. The dance starts to wrap up but the night hasn't even started yet. We still have the after party. Nate and I make our way to the car and we just sit there for a minute. I look around for a tissue as I want to fix my lipstick up. I open up the front compartment of his car and before Nate had time to grab my hand to stop me, there lay in front of me... a gun. "Nate what the fuck is that and why do you have it" I say. "Cassie I -" I cut him off. "NO. Why do you still have that fucking gun" I say louder. "I can explain" he says. "Go on" I reply. "So. I did blow off some steam. It was for the right reasons. The guy that tried to kidnapped you. I had let him off easy, a few bumps and bruises. My parents not liking you really fucked me off, you're perfect. I don't see what the don't like. I thought about what I could do to cool off and it hit me, justice hasn't been served for that prick. I went to his house and I shot him. Dead on the floor. It was something I could at least protect you from now, criticism doesn't matter. It was the right thing to do" he says. The fear I had felt was confirmed. I had suspected this type of behaviour from him but I had always suppressed it. I never wanted to believe it. I ignored it and thought I could change him. The worst part about all of this, is there is no surprise. I'm not at all surprised and I don't feel disgusted or upset like I thought I would. I feel actually... okay about this. I don't know whether it's because I've lost so many people and I don't want to be lonely... or if I'm just as fucked up as he is. Could be both. I turn to my sweet boy and I say "have you covered it up well?". Not even I can quite believe this, but I love him. "Yes" he says blankly. "Well let's get to the after party then" I say. He looks at me almost in disbelief, and drives us both toward the after party. I think I might just get 50 shades of fucked up tonight.

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