Part 18

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Throughout the entire game, I saw both Nate and McKay stare at me. Occasionally both at the same time. I didn't know who to look back at. Our team won thank god, I clap and cheer as the team jump around excited. Everyone that is, except McKay. He glares directly at me, and storms toward my direction. Maddy whispers to me as he comes closer "What is his problem?". Before I have time to answer, McKay grabs my wrist and pulls me toward the lockers off of the field. This is super embarrassing as we have full bleachers tonight. I see students staring at what is going on. We find privacy and he stops and turns to me. "Why were you staring at Nate on the friend and why was he staring back?" He says. Shit. It's going to take a bloody good excuse to get me out of this one. "He has a surprise for Maddy and he asked me to help him. He was honestly looking at me grinning because only I know what Maddy's in for after the game. He's planned this big romantic night" I lie. It looks like he believes me as his gaze softens and he looks visibly less angry. "Cass I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I thought something was going on between you too" he says. "Hahaha oh my god McKay that would never happen. It's Nate. I mean he's a terrible person and plus I would never do that to you" I say. He looks at me for a moment before kissing me. "I love you Cassie, I'm glad everything is okay" he says. "Of course" I lie. I smile at him before he runs back on to the field. I walk back to where my cheer team is, but just as I approach Maddy I hear yelling. "What the fuck Nate". It's McKay. Nate and McKay are beating each other up in the middle of the football field in front of basically the whole school. "What is that about?" Maddy says concerned. "I really do not know" I reply worried. If Nate didn't let McKay speak before having spoken to me and instantly said sorry or something then maybe the truth got out? What even is the truth? I mean nothing has technically happened. Ugh fuck that's so false I mean we stayed in a bloody hotel together and had a naked shower together and ugh. Jesus Christ honestly I need to re-evaluate the situation. I see them storm off together into the boy's lockers. This can't be good. I decide to wait outside for whoever walks out first, whether it's Nate or McKay. As I'm waiting, I vaguely hear ... is that porn? I'm so confused. Suddenly Nate walks out with a big smirk on his face and I feel it all sink in. My heart drops, my face drops. I think that 'porn' was me. I run into the boy's locker room and find McKay sitting down with his head in his hands, sobbing. "McKay?" I say quietly. He moves his head up and looks at me with a look I've never seen from him before. A look of pure disgust. "When were you going to tell me Cassie?" He says. "What do you mean? Why would I ever have told you. I erased that completely from my past. I don't even know how Nate got his hands on that video" I say. "That's not an excuse. How could you care so little about yourself to let someone record you like that?" He sobs. "McKay. I was young. Really young. I didn't know what I was doing and that man was a lot older than me. He kept asking and asking and so I gave in. I wanted to feel better about myself" I start to tear up. "Cassie no one ever forces you to do that. You decided to" he says. "You don't understand, when someone keeps asking and asking and no matter how many times you say no, they keep asking... it fucks with you. I didn't want to lose him, I didn't want to upset him" I cry. "That's not good enough Cassie. I can't date someone like that. A slut" he spits. I never expected those words to ever leave McKay's mouth. "It's over" he says as he gets up and walks out. I can barely breathe. How could Nate do this to me? All because he wants me to himself? All for his selfish gain? I HATE Nate Jacobs. I run out of the school toward the car park. It's pitch black and everyone has left by this point. My car is the only car left. I'm so hysterical that I can't fit my key into the door. I drop them and they somehow land under my car. Perfect. I lie down on the ground and reach under the car. Just as I grab the keys, I feel someone sit on my back. I start to scream. "GET OFF OF ME! HELP!". They roll me harshly onto my back. I look up to see that it's Nate. I suddenly am overcome with anger and push him off of me with brutal force. He falls on his back allowing me to get up. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME. YOU RUIN EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH. I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT YOU" I yell. "Woah Cassie, chill. It was a joke" he giggles. "WHAT? IT WAS A JOKE TO RUIN THE ONE GOOD THING I HAVE WITH MCKAY? IT WAS A JOKE TO FAKE ATTACK ME? NO." I yell before I unlock my car, slam the door and speed off. I'm over tonight.


I race upstairs, get changed and fall into bed. I set my alarm and close my eyes. You would think I would be crying right now but the tears cannot physically fall from my eyes anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if I cried so hard in the car that my seat is still damp in the morning. I put my earphones in a play Rosyln by Bon Iver and St.Vincent. That song always manages to get the waterworks going. As I start to sob, I feel a hand on my back. I jump up to see Nate standing over me. "What the fuck are you doing?! How did you get in here?" I loudly say. "Shhh, you'll wake your family up" he whispers. "Nate I thought I made myself very clear, I don't want to talk to you ever again" I hiss. "Cassie, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me. Seeing McKay stare at you like that, and seeing you smile and blush, I wanted it to me be. I want you so badly Cassie and you know what, it is selfish. I'm fucking selfish but when it comes to you, I know I had to have you. I knew that I had to use that video to break you up. Cassie I would never show that video to anyone else. I don't want anyone to ever see you in a vulnerable state like that. Fuck, every-time I watch that video and I see that old fuck grab you and slap you around like a whore, it makes me sick. It makes me want to fucking kill him" he says. His face is becoming more and more angry. I swear I saw literal steam come from his head. He starts to pace around my room before he picks up one of my small makeup mirrors and throws it at the wall. A loud and mighty smash shortly follows after the glass leaves his hand. "CASSIE?! ARE YOU OKAY?" I hear my dad shout from downstairs. I hear him racing up the stairs. I shoot up out of bed like a shot and push Nate into my wardrobe. I sprint over to where the mess is to begin to plan what I'm going to say happened. I hear my door be slung wide open. "Cassie Jesus are you okay?" He says. "Dad I'm okay, I just tripped and I was holding my mirror and it flew out of my hand and smashed against the wall" I lie. "Oh thank god, I thought something had happened. Clean it up and get some sleep darling, you've had a long day. I love you, goodnight" he says. "Goodnight, love you too" I say before he closes the door. "Good one Nate" I hiss before he exits my wardrobe holding my old pom poms. I feel a slight smile start to form on my lips before I straighten my face and say "put it back". He puts them back and says "Cassie I'm sorry. I really am. Please forgive me". "Nate you've done so much to hurt me. You do nice things and then you fuck it all up by doing something terrible" I sob. "Cassie don't cry" he says. I can't hold it in anymore, tears fall like crazy and I can barely speak or breathe I'm sobbing so hard. I climb into bed and manage to get out, "you should leave". "No. I won't" he says and before I can argue, he's locked my bedroom door and climbed into bed with me. He wraps his strong arms around me and even though the way I'm feeling right now is all because of him, it still feels so comforting. In fact, it makes me feel like I don't have any issues at all. I start to stop crying, and begin to become tired. I feel Nate kiss my neck from behind and he says "Cassie, will you go to the dance with me?". I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be sad. He makes me feel alive. Before I can process the fact that if Nate didn't exist, I'd probably be the happiest girl alive... I say "Okay". I can feel Nate smile into my neck, before I begin to fall asleep... knowing that by saying okay, I really am becoming Nate's object that he owns and manipulates.

Oh my god. Guys thank you so much for all your support!!! When I thought about writing this fanfic, I never thought I would get 50 reads let alone almost 4K! There is no better feeling that checking Wattpad in between chapters and seeing all of your lovely comments and votes as well as seeing that you've added my story into your library. Thank you so much for your support, I love every single one of you so much ❤️😭

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