Part 25

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I take a deep breath before placing my hand on door handle. With one more - desperate - breath, I open the door. What stands before me, truly stuns me. Nate is stood there in the most dashing suit, his hair lightly quiffed but oh so gorgeously done. He looks amazing. Again, for the second time, I blush at him back smile. "Hey" I awkwardly say. Hey? Really? Jesus Christ I need to pull myself together. "Cassie, you look so gorgeous. Like an angel" he says. Just as he finishes that sentence, I hear an 'awwww' come from behind me. Ugh now for this part. I turn so my body is in line with both my parents and Nate. "Mum, Dad, this is Nate Jacobs. My boyfriend" I gleam. I seriously feel so happy, euphoric even. "Hi Nate, I'm Cassie's dad" my father steps in. "Nice to meet you Mr. Howard" Nate replies. "The pleasure is mine" he says before shaking Nate's hand. They smile at each other before my mother steps in and says "oh come here! Give me a hug. I'm so glad Cassie has found someone she really likes!" She shrieks as she pulls a rather reluctant Nate into a big hug. Tad embarrassing but I'll roll with it. I give Nate a bit of a 'I'm sorry' smile. He lightly shakes his head as if to say 'it's fine' and smiles. "How are you Mrs. Howard? I'm so happy to meet you" Nate says. "I'm just fine thank you! How about we take some photos of you two beautiful children!" My mum beams. Before we can protest, she is herding us both like sheep together to take a photo. Nate and I both smile at each other before he brings me close for the photo. He's so cute. We pose for a few shots before my mum shouts "now kiss!!". "Mum?! No hahah" I say. "Cassie wasn't asking!" She laughs in a semi serious tone. I shake my head and turn to Nate and awkwardly smile. As I hear my dad talking to mum about probably how inappropriate what she's just asked us to do is, Nate whispers in my ear "I'll put on a show if you like". Oh god no hahah. This is not going to end well. I widen my eyes and slowly shake my head before it's all too late. "Mrs. Howard it's fine! Please take the photo I don't mind" Nate says. Once my mum is in position and she says "go!", Nate looks at me a smiles. He placed his left hand on the side of my face and his right hand on my waist. He leans in and passionately kisses me, and I feel my body shiver with his touch. Mid way through the *very long* kiss, he moves my body weight to the side onto his right hand and leans me down into the classic leaning pose men do when they're showing off. My mum clearly loves it as I can hear the clicking of the photo button on her phone going OFF. He pulls me back up and smirks. "Well that was entertaining" my dad says laughing at mum's reaction. "It was cute!" My mum smiles. My dad shakes his head and waves us off before seating himself on the couch. "See you lovers later! Have a nice night and be safe!" My mum says. We both tell her that we will and walk out the door. This is probably the most out there and talkative my mum has ever been. She must be happy finally. Nate escorts me to his car and opens the door for me. We buckle up and he looks at me Nefele starting the car and says "ready for meet the parents round 2?" He laughs. "I'm not even sure I was ready for round 1" I nervously giggle. "They'll love you, don't stress" he says calmly. Famous last words I think to myself.

We pull up to Nate's house and let out another deep breath. My heart rate will be exceedingly high. I'll be surprised if I don't have a heart attack soon. I get out of the car and walk up to Nate on the pavement. He takes my hand, looks at me in the eyes and says "Cassie, you're the most amazing girl I've ever met. My parents will love you, I promise" he says. I really hope so. We walk up the front door and he opens it slowly. We walk into the house and there's no one to be seen. "Mum! Dad! Get out here!" Nate yells. This already feels forced and not pleasant. Nate's parents appear together within seconds. "Mum, dad, meet Cassie. My girlfriend" he says. I internally smile as he copied my exact speech. "Hi Mr and Mrs. Jacobs, my name is Cassie. It's really so lovely to meet you!" I say nervously. "Hello Cassie, nice to meet you too" Mr. Jacobs says not so excitedly. His mother doesn't really say anything but seems to be eyeing me up. Ugh god this is terrifying. I squeeze Nate's hand in fear, and he squeezes back and rubs his thumb on my hand. "So, Mrs Jacobs. I heard that you single handedly are responsible for the lovely chilli sold at the fairs! Honestly I would love to learn how—" I'm cut off by Mrs Jacobs. "Honey it's a family recipe, only family can see it" she almost snaps. Lovely. I really start to squeeze Nate's hand harder at this point. He speaks up and says "well, it shouldn't be too long before she is!" He smiles. What a lovely thing to say. I relax a little knowing he's got my back here. "Well Nate, that's after you've built your football career" his father says. "Why not both?" Nate replies. "I doubt you have the focus for that son" Mr Jacobs says. "Dad really? Right now? We came over to let you take some photos for you to keep and this is how you welcome my new girlfriend? Not exactly making her feel very welcome" Nate says. "Well distractions to your career aren't welcome in this household" Mr and Mrs Jacobs say almost in synchronisation. "I'm really sorry you feel that I'm a distraction. One thing I can say however is that though a relationship can be distracting, I will only ever be supportive of Nate and his career. In fact, at my previous school I was the cheerleading captain and had a very good relationship with the football coach. He has various connections to a range of Ivy League schools and everything in between also. I'm sure he would be more than happy to call in a favour if I asked" I say with a smile. "That's very sweet but I don't think we need the help" Mrs Jacobs snorts, and Mr Jacobs lets out a small giggle also. It seems like there's nothing more I can do here. "Cassie let's go, trust me I've learnt from the past 17 years, there's nothing you can do or say to please these people" Nate says before tugging my hand toward the door. I stop for second and turn to his parents and say, "You know, you've created a fantastic man. It was really nice to meet you. I hope you can warm to me, it would mean the world to me" before smiling and waking out. Kill em with kindness hey. When we reach the car, Nate's blood seems to be boiling. After sitting in silence for 30 seconds, he starts to scream and punch the steering wheel over and over until his knuckles start bleeding. Then he starts to sob. "I can't fucking do anything right!" He says. "Hey, hey babe, please" I say as I put both of my hands on either side of his face and focus it on mine. He looks down but I pull his head up. He looks up at me with tearful eyes before looking away. "Nate, you are fucking perfect. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and fuck anyone else who says shit about us. We'll make it through anything tougher" I say. He pulls my hands off his face, pulls himself together and starts to drive. He says nothing the whole ride to the prom. We pull up and he says "get out, I'll meet you in there". "What? Why? I don't understand" I reply. "Because I fucking said so, get out Cassie Jesus" he growls. I just look at him before climbing out and shutting the door. He drives off in a hurry and skids out of the car park. Great. I walk up to the entrance and decide to wait outside for him. I refuse to walk into the prom by myself. I sit on the bench and begin to wait - no matter how long it takes...

Where has Nate driven off to? Hmmm, we'll have to find out. I hope you're enjoying! Like, comment and please give your recommendations! I love interaction xx

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