Part 6

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Maddy walks us to the door and as we step in, literally EVERYONE turns their head. Shit shit shit shit shit I don't want to do this anymore. I think Maddy felt me pull back a little bit as she turned to me and said "let's go get a drink". As we turn toward the kitchen, I lock eyes with Nate. He looks so good tonight, but I'll never get over some of the awful things that come out of his mouth. He already thinks I'm a slut, so this outfit probably doesn't help that. He's looking at me like I'm an object, it's almost devilish. It sends shivers down my spine so I look away and turn my gaze to the vodka bottle sitting on the counter. Maddy turns to me with two plastic shot cups full of vodka. "Alright bitch, drink up" she says.

I take the shot from her hand and skull it. I reach for the vodka bottle and pour another, and another, and another all downed one after the other. I look up to see a hyped up Maddy, a shocked Kat and a concerned Lexi. I think Rue and Jules went outside to sit down. I awkwardly smile and shout over the loud music "you girls better catch up!". Maddy shrugs her shoulders and takes another shot, then says "let's go dance!".

We make our way out onto the dance floor. I'm a huge lightweight and I can already feel my body slow down and become further intoxicated. As I'm dancing with Maddy, the room slows down. I can feel my heart beat slow, as I move my body with Maddy's. I then feel Maddy go still, her face drops and she becomes filled with anger. I look to where she's staring and see Nate and some blonde getting pretty hot and heavy next to the kitchen. He looks up at us and smirks, like he wants Maddy to react. Before I can stop her, she's walked over to a relatively attractive guy and sat down on his lap. I watch as Nate's eyes follow her. I don't want to get involved so I decide to sit on the staircase and have a moment to breathe.

My train of thought is interrupted by someone saying "Yo, Cassie... is it?".

I look up to find an attractive guy standing above me. "Yeah it is, and you are...?" I ask.

"McKay, Christopher McKay" he says.

Well that's embarrassing, it's not like I'm in his house at his party or anything. Definitely should have asked Maddy what he looked like, and maybe what his full name was before coming here.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you. It's a lovely house you have here" I say.

"Thanks, it goes alright. So you're new at East Highland hey? How are you finding it? I see you've made friends with Maddy Perez" he says.

"Yeah I have, it's alright. It's definitely different to my old school. I don't know if I fit in yet" I say honestly.

"Yeah I get you, I mean it's got some nice people. You just have to understand them" he says.

This guy seems really nice but I've learnt never to trust a man that is nice to you. Usually they only want one thing from you and it's not just conversation.

"Yeah totally...Hey it's been nice chatting but I think I might go and find Maddy" I say.

I want to cut this off before my third and fourth shot starts to hit. I'm already buzzing.

I get up before he can say his goodbye's. I walk down the stairs toward the pool, only to hear Nate yelling. What is going on?

I see Maddy in the pool with the guy she was flirting with before, Nate is degrading her (no surprises there). It does look a little suss what she's doing with him but I'm not judging. Nate was being a dick. She says some snide remark but I can't quite hear her over the music, I just know it wasn't anything nice because Nate is raging. He turns around and locks eyes with me again, what is with this guy and staring at me? He walks straight toward me and grabs my arm. I look at Maddy who gives me the 'don't you dare' look but he's much stronger than I am. He drags me into the kitchen and pushes me up against the cupboard.

He turns away from me, it looks like he's pouring a drink of some sort. He turns to me with two shots in his hand, comes right up close to my face and whispers in my ear, "drink this or else". Considering what's just happened I decided to just take the shot and drink it. He looks wild, like something inside of him just isn't right. Like he's lost his mind completely and he's so enraged that nothing can stop him. It scares me. So much so, I feel a tear fall from my right eye. Then suddenly his expression changes, his face softens and his eyes become sad. He wipes the single tear from my cheek and walks away. I don't know if it was the alcohol or not but, something about him interests me... and I don't know why.

I decide to go home, I don't tell Maddy, Kat, Rue, Jules or Lexi... I just want to go home. I start to walk or *stumble* out of the door when I'm stopped by someone. It's McKay. "Yo Cassie, stop let me drive you home".

"No I dnt wnat to ve drhiven hme" I mumble.

Shit. Even drunk I heard how that came out. I know I had a few shots but I'm usually still okay after 5. Something isn't right.

"I wnat to slheep" I manage to get out.

Then all of a sudden, it went black.

Hey guys :) if you could please vote for my story it would mean the world to me! I'd love to know what you think so far xx

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