Part 19

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My alarm sounds and like clockwork I shut it off and turn over, reaching my hand over to feel if Nate is still there... he isn't. I feel a pang of disappointment in my chest. I sit up and make my way into my shower to see a half naked Nate standing there smirking. "Morning gorgeous" he says cheekily. "Nate! You have to leave if my parent see you'll I'll literally die" I say. "Alright beautiful, I'll just get dressed and leave then" he smirks as he drops his towel right in front me. Shit. That boy is HUNG. He walks out to my room and gets changed. Before he leaves, he kisses me passionately and jumps out my window, walks to the edge of the sill and climbs down the tree right opposite. I watch as he makes his way to his car and drives off. That boy. I shower and get changed into this striped crop top and curl my hair. I make my way downstairs and shoot out the door toward my car. When I arrive at school, Maddy and Nate are making out directly outside of the school doors. I feel so angry and jealous, that I have to snap myself out of it. I step out of the car, grab my things and walk up to them. "Get a room" I fake giggle. "Ha ha" Maddy grins as Nate looks at me and smirks devilishly. He knew exactly what he was doing. "Come on Mads, let's leave this loser behind" I say as I grab her arm and pull her toward our lockers. I open mine up the same time as Maddy before I get a text.

Nate: I bet you wish it was you I was making out with just then 😘

Ugh, what jerk.

Me: No, YOU wish it was me.

I giggle before I send the text. I look up and see Maddy grinning. "Ooo texting McKay are we?" She says. I feel terrible for saying let along thinking this, but I completely forgot about McKay. "Oh hahah yeah" I grin. "Cuties" she says. Yeah if only she knew. "Naw thanks. Anyway I'm going to get to class but I'll see you after?" I say. "Sure, cya" she says. After class, I make my way to the lunch tables. I see Maddy and the girls sitting at our usual table. My eyes scan over to where McKay and Nate usually sit and I find them both sitting with a large portion of the football team. I start to grin. Let me show Nate who really is the jealous one here. I change my direction and walk straight toward McKay. I know he broke up with me but I can't help but want him back. As I approach, I wrap my arms around him and cover his eyes with my hands before I start to kiss all the way down his neck. After that, I pull his chair away from the table to face me and I sit down on his lap, moving his hands to my waist. I start to kissing him passionately and move my hips a little to put on a show. I stop and look into his eyes, "hey baby. "My house tonight at 5" I say loud enough so the table can hear me. Before he can reply I decide to walk away. As I get up, I look at the table. The boys are stunned, all but Nate. Nate doesn't seem angry, but he seems pensive. Like he's thinking really hard about something. I hope he's thinking about the mistake he's making fucking with me. I forgot how much I love McKay, and how nice it feels to kiss him. I make my way over the girls, who are all clapping as I come closer. "Girl what was THAT?!" Rue says. "Hahah omg Cass that was amazing" Kat says. "Girl you make his dick so hard" Maddy says. Lexi and Jules are both stunned and nodding in agreement. "Hahah I just thought I'd put on a bit of a show for him" I said. "Girl that wasn't a show, that was a short softcore porn film" Kat giggles. I suddenly get another text.

Nate: sent a video attachment.

What? I click on it. Suddenly the video of me and that man starts playing, and of course my volume is all the way up. I quickly turn my phone down but the girls are all giggling. "Oh ahah, forgot to delete the open tab on my google" I play it off. Everyone laughs. Thank fuck. I text Nate.

Me: Nate what the fuck are you trying to prove.

Nate: Don't do that shit again. Everyone's talking about how bad they want to fuck now. Next time you slip up, I'll send this out. Also, if you say go ahead and do it, I'll have you know that I found the man in that video and I have his whole collection on you. Be very fucking careful Cassie. You're mine and only mine and if you fuck up then I'll make sure you're no one else's ever again. Break it off completely with McKay today or else. You invited him to your house tonight, so how about you use that moment to do it. Don't fuck with me.

I go still. How can someone that apparently likes me so much want to do this to me? I feel a tear fall from my eyes. I put my phone down, smile and pretend my eye is itchy to get rid of it. Maddy look at me suspiciously though. She gets up and motions for me to get up and speak to her in private. I get up and walk over to the vending machine to speak to her. "Who's texting you" she asks. "Oh just McKay" I lie. "Really? Because I looked over at him and he wasn't texting anyone" she says. Shit. Shit shit shit. She would have seen that it's Nate. "Fine okay it was Nate but he was messaging me about the dance" I lie. "The dance? What about it" she asks. "Well he was going to fake take me since his parents don't like you and then just drop me off at McKay's on the way to pick you up before heading to the dance" I lie again. "Okay so why couldn't you just have said that to begin with" she says. "Well I didn't want to say anything yet because I didn't know how you were going to take it and Nate wanted to tell you" I lie. "Okay well I'm fine with it but like don't lie to me again" she says. "Okay" I reply, knowing that I've probably just lied again. The bell sounds and she smiles and says "Alright I'll see you later". "Okay" I smile as she walks away. I have a free double period to end the day so I decide to just go home. I get my shit from my locker and head to my car. I sit down, and pull out my phone to text Nate.

Me: Maddy got suspicious about who I was texting then saw you on your phone during lunch and put the pieces together. It's okay, I told her about the plan for the dance and said that you will just please your parents before dropping me off at McKay's on the way home before picking her up on the way to the dance. Fly with it or else your plan of having two bitches will die. I will break it all off with McKay when I want to. Speaking on that, you better fix what you did to our relationship or else. Release the videos, that's fine, but if you do I will ruin your relationship with Maddy and I promise she will never go back to you like she usually does. You keep Maddy, I keep McKay, and we have a deal.

I switch my phone off on the ride home, I don't want to hear a thing interrupt my Daniel Caesar CD. When I do get home, I get upstairs and turn my phone on. No message from Nate funnily enough. I have 2 missed calls from Maddy and one from McKay. I decide to ring Maddy just in case something has happened that I don't know about, at least I'll be prepared before speaking to McKay. I ring Maddy back. "Hey Mads what's up?" I say. "Girl I forgot to tell you about the pop up carnival tonight! It starts at 6pm, you're coming right?" She says. "Yeah of course! I'll let you know before I leave" I say. "Perfect, see you later!" She says before she hangs up. Okay, now for McKay. "Hey McKay" I say after it stops ringing. "Hi Cassie" he says in monotone. "Hey look I know what I did today at lunch was a bit much but I miss you and I want to be with you and ONLY you. I love you so much and look, I fucked up when I was younger and I hate myself for it everyday but I love you so much. Please forgive me" I say. "Look I can't say I forgive you just yet but Nate spoke to me today and said he felt bad and gave me a few things to think about. I'll see you tonight at 5?" He says. "Yeah well the carnival is on today and I told Maddy I was going to at 6 so if you want to chat for a bit and then go we can?" I say. "Okay sounds good, see you then" he says. "Okay, see you then" I say before hanging up. Fuck. Just as I get changed to get into bed for a nap, my phone buzzes.

Nate: Don't go tonight to the carnival. I don't want my parents to see you and think you're friends with Maddy or dating McKay before the dance.

I decide to ignore it like he ignored my last text. Sure he spoke to McKay but he didn't reply so he could've said anything. Plus I want to go so screw him. I turn my alarm on for 4:30pm. Leaving plenty of time to freshen up before McKay gets here. I put my phone down and begin to fall asleep.

Hey guys! So sorry my chapters aren't as often as usual. It's exam week at uni and have been super flat out. Undergrad things 😂 see you all for the super hot next chapter xx

No Longer Euphoria | Nate Jacobs حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن