Part 21

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My eyes open before the alarm goes off. My body is stiff, anxiety is riddled all through me. I took whatever I have with Nate to the next step while in a relationship that I can't get out of yet because the guy that wants me... needs me to fake a relationship with him for his parents for the dance. Fucking perfect. Sounds like a day off school to me. I pick up my phone and text Maddy, Nate and McKay the same thing. "Feeling sick, not going to come into school today". With that, I turn my phone off and continue to stare at my ceiling contemplating what I've done. Within seconds, my phone buzzes. I pick it up to have a look at who replied. It's McKay. "Okay sweetheart, I love you so much and can't wait to see you. I'll come over tonight and cuddle you to make you feel better". I don't know whether it was that I explored the sexual chemistry with Nate or that I think McKay is too good for me... but I can't bring myself to feel those butterflies I usually get. I cheated on the one person that has only ever done nice things for me. "Okay x" I reply. That's fucking it. How can I ever love someone who threatened me and hurt me and then makes me forget with sex. I see what he does to Maddy, how emotionally abusive he is. Sometimes I see bruises on Maddy, and I always wonder if he hurts her. I've decided. The deal is off with Nate. Fuck him and what he says, if he tries to ruin my relationship, I'll threaten his. I text Nate. "Deals off, I love McKay" I simply state. It's enough to piss him off beyond belief but ah well, Nate Jacobs is not my problem, and I'm certainly not his little bitch. I power my phone off, and roll over, quickly falling back asleep.

I wake to feel a warmth on my back, "McKay?" I ask. As I turn my head I realise it's certainly not McKay... it's a guy that can't take a hint. "Nate what are you doing here. I thought I make myself perfectly clear. Also no climbing through my window unannounced" I say. "Well Cassie, I thought I had made myself perfectly clear when I used that video against you, but unfortunately it just hasn't stuck. You have until tonight to break up with McKay, tomorrow is the dance and I can't have you ruining my shit. Also I can do what the fuck I like" he smiles. Nice sarcastic touch. "Well Nate, do what the fuck you want then, because I won't be breaking up with the only guy that treats me right. Oh, but keep in mind, if you DO chose to do that, then I will expose everything to Maddy. I can guarantee you, she will not take you back after this and I think you know that too don't you?" I smile back. "Listen here you little bitch, you're going to want to keep your mouth shut before I shut it myself" he snarls. Before I have time to respond, he's grabbed my throat and applied more pressure than I'd like. "Nate-" he cuts me off. "Be very fucking careful Cassie, you're mine and you will obey me you slut". His grip tightens on my throat and begins to hurt me whilst cutting off my windpipe. "Nate, your - hurting me" I manage to get out. His grip tightens further quickly and then he releases, making me cough. Then he looks at my throat closely. "I see the marks from the carnival have bruised up nicely, it's nice to add to them" he says. A single tear starts to well up in my eye. He doesn't seem to care, instead he says "Right so now you know what will happen to you if you disobey me, how about we get you up and go to Starbucks hey?" He grins. Absolute. Fucking. Psychopath. What have I gotten myself into? "Get the fuck out" I say slowly and quietly. "Sorry? What was that. I thought I heard you be a rude bitch but I wasn't sure" he sarcastically says. "I said, get the fuck out" and before I can compose myself, the tears start pouring down my face. "You'll regret that" he says with all seriousness, before he walks to my window and climbs out. Nate is dangerous, physically, mentally and emotionally abusive. He's sadistic, bipolar, psychopathic and chauvinistic... but yet, I feel my body be drawn toward him like magnets. What is wrong with me. I know he wouldn't hesitate to hurt me, he would not give it a second thought... but why does he like hurting me? I need to tell McKay before this gets too out of hand, I know I fucked up and had sex with Nate but hopefully he sees that he forced my hand. I pick up my phone and text McKay:

Me: We need to have a talk about something, I need your help and I need you to be open and forgiving.

McKay: Okay babe, I hope everything is alright. I'll come pick you up at 5pm xx

Let's hope that he's as forgiving and understanding as he is kind and loving.

Super short chapter but it felt right to end it here! Also I have 2 weeks off before my trimester starts at uni, so that means more chapters! I'll try my best to write longer ones with the spare time I have. Thank you for all the love ❤️ xx

No Longer Euphoria | Nate Jacobs Where stories live. Discover now