Part 17

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Warning: Smut & mature content!

I wake to the sound of my obnoxious alarm ringing in my ear. I turn it off and make my way into the shower. If everyone is probably going to find out about how much of a slut I am, I may as well prove it. It's game day today, so after my shower I put my cheer uniform on. I curl my hair and apply heavy and slutty makeup. Bring it on Nate.

I make my way to school, playing 'needed me' by Rihanna on repeat. It always makes me feel like a bad bitch. I get out of my car and walk up to Maddy waiting out the front for me. "Hey sexy, feeling better?" She says. "Yeah I feel great, ready for the game tonight?" I say. "We're going to look so good tonight on the field" she says. "Yeah we are" I smirk as I walk to my locker. "Alright I'm going to head to my class but I'll see you at lunch" Maddy says. "No worries, see you later" I say. I put my books in my locker and hear the bell. I decide to stay at my locker and gloss my lips up again in the mirror I put in there. I turn around and see there's no one in the hallway, I better hurry up. I grab the books I need and close my locker. I begin to walk to class and suddenly I feel someone grab my wrist and swing me into the dark empty classroom. "What the fuck" I shriek. I gain my balance and look up and see Nate. "Nate I don't want to even look at you right now" I spit. "Look Cassie, I'm sorry I threatened you. I don't want to upset you, it's the last thing I want. I just want you to realise that you're supposed to be mine" he says. "Nate, let me make this very clear to you. I will NEVER be your girl" I say seriously. His eyes turn dark, he clenches his hands in fists and slowly backs me into the desk behind me. He grabs my hair harshly and pulls my head back as he towers over me. He grabs my throat harshly then puts his thumb in my mouth. I stand there still, in awe of the tall man dominating me. McKay just doesn't touch me like this and being dominated is my weakness. "You WILL be mine" he says deeply before pushing my head down so I fall to my knees. Then just like that, he walks out of the classroom, leaving me kneeling on the floor in shock. What just happened. I compose myself and make my way to my class.

The bell rings for lunch and I make my way to my locker and then to the cafeteria. I see my girls all sitting at our normal table, I grab some lunch and take a seat next to Maddy. Maddy and I have definitely become closer, which makes me feel worse about whatever is going on between Nate and I, that's if anything is happening. I'm very confused. I take a sip of my iced tea and feel someone come up behind me and kiss my neck. I jump and have immediate flashbacks to Nate and I's encounter earlier. "Babe it's just me hahah, calm down" I hear McKay say. "You scared me haha" I say awkwardly. "How pumped are you to see us win tonight?!" McKay says excitedly. Suddenly I hear someone reply, "Yeah man, we're going to dominate" . It's Nate, I turned around just as he finished his sentence. He made sure to look straight at me when he said 'dominate'. What a prick. He's so selfish. Not only is he betraying his best friend but he's betraying his own girlfriend. My train of thought is interrupted by Maddy. "Okay so the summer dance is on Saturday, do you guys know what you're wearing?" She says. Wait whatttt. "There's a dance?" I say. "Yeah girl, there always has been. They don't put the banners up till tomorrow, but yeah there's a dance" she says. "Ooo that's exciting" I say. "Yeah so we need to go shopping after practice tonight before the game!" She says. "Alright done!" I say. "Alright babe well Nate and I have to go to our training but I'll see you at the game?" He says. "Alright done, love you" I say. Shit. I just said love. McKay looks at me with a look of shock, comprehending what I've just said and then replies "I love you too". I smile so wide that my mouth starts to hurt and blush as he walks away. Nate looks startled as he walks with him.


After cheer training, Maddy agrees to meet me at the mall. On the drive there I play more of my bad bitch playlist, I've got 'feeling myself' by Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj. I pull up in the park next to Maddy and we walk into the mall together. We make a b-line into the same store she got me that suuuper slutty dress for that party the other week. "Okay I don't want a slutty dress, something pretty and pink" I say. "Ugh fine, be boring" she smirks. I roll my eyes and browse the dresses. I really can't find anything that would cover my boobs, that is until Maddy yells "I've found one!" from across the store. I walk over to her and fall in love. It's a relatively low cut pale pink dress with sparkly straps and sparkly trim around the neck line. It's gorgeous. I try it on and it's even better on me. "Cassie it's perfect" Maddy says. "The only issue is, I don't have any good heels to go with it. I only have basic nude slip ons" I say. "Alright let's go get some then" she says. I pay for my dress and wait for Maddy to pay for hers. I notice it's a black/sliver sparkly slutty piece, go figure. It'll look gorgeous on her no doubt. We walk around to basically every shoe store and I don't find one pair of heels that I like. Just as we decide to call it a day and walk out of the store, we walk past the Christian Louboutin store. I stop in my tracks and walk toward the pair of shoes I was dying over that night. The night where Nate saved me from god knows what. I completely forgot about that night, I guess I've had a lot going on. I get major flash backs, and clearly Maddy things I've gone crazy as she says "are you okay?". "Yeah I'm okay haha" I laugh it off. "I'm just staring at my dream shoes" I say as I point to them. I see Maddy eye you those beautiful silver sparkly bad boys and she eyes up the price. "$500?!" She shrieks. "Hahah yeah I know right" I say. "Well let's go try them on" she says. "I can't afford those Maddy" I reply. "So? Trying them on never hurt anybody" she says. I think about it for a second, I guess it wouldn't hurt. We make our way into the store, getting a bit of a look from the woman at the counter. I ask her for my size in the heels, a US 7 and she pulls them out and hands them to me. I try them on and goodness they gorgeous. I can see Maddy nodding in agreement at my thought process. I give the shoes back and we make our way to our cars. "Those shoes would to die for" Maddy says. "I know right, ah well. Maybe one day. I'll just wear my slip ons I have at home" I say. "Alright I'll see you tonight at the game!" She says. "See you then girl" I say. We hug and get into our cars. When I get home I decide to take my cheer uniform off and get into something more comfortable. I hang it up as I have to put I on in an hour and a half but I truly feel like a nap. I set an alarm and drift off to sleep.


*Bzzzz*  *Bzzzz*

I wake to the sound of my phone ringing. I tiredly reach for my phone and see the caller ID. It's Nate. What does he want? Of course he had to ruin my nap. Before I answer I check the time, I had only bee asleep for 30 minutes. I answer he phone. "Nate why are you calling me?" I say. "Go outside" he says. "What do you mean go outside? What do you want?" I say. "Ugh Cassie just walk outside and look what's on your doorstep" he says. "Oh for gods sake, fine" I say. "Good" he says. I walk down the stairs and open the door to see a light pink box with a white bow on top. "What is this?" I say. "Cassie pick the box up, walk to your room and open it" he says. "I don't trust you Nate, what if it's a box of anthrax or something" I giggle. I don't find it funny because I really wouldn't put it past him, but I just giggled out of awkwardness honestly. "Cassie I'm not going to kill the girl I like" he says. "Okay fine" I reply. I pick the box up, it's a light to medium weight. I take the box upstairs and place it on my bed. "You look so cute in your pj's" he says. "What?" I walk to my window and scan the street for Nate, I can't see him. "Ohh so we're stalking me now?" I say. "You wish" he says. "Here since you want to stalk me, I'll open it in front of the window for you" I say. "Ooo that's exciting" he replies. I take the box to the windowsill and I remove the lid. My body goes still from shock, I can't help but let my mouth gape wide open. I'm staring at the $500 pair of louboutins that I've been dreaming of and a pale pink corsage lying next to them. "Do you like them?" I hear Nate say. "Nate, they're... they're beautiful I-" he cuts me off. "I love you?" He giggles. "No I wasn't going to say that, but Nate this is too much. You have Maddy? What are we even doing? You just want to own me I don't understand. You're not my sugar daddy I just, it's an amazing gift and I love them but the corsage too? I obviously can't go to the dance with you, I have McKay?" I say. "Cassie I want to take you to the dance, not Maddy. I want to introduce you to my parents" he says. "Nate I won't be your girlfriend" I say. "No, I never said that. I said I want to introduce you to my parents. I know they'll like you so they won't be on my back about Maddy. I want to own you but Maddy will alway be my girlfriend" he says. "What kind of fucking toy do you think I am? No. Not happening. Leave me alone Nate I can't do this anymore" I say before I hang up. I turn my physical alarm on by my bedside table and power my phone off. I can't deal with this right now.


My alarm goes off and I shoot out of bed and have a quick shower. I'm actually excited for the game tonight, it's been ages since I've cheered at a football game. I do my makeup and hair, and put my uniform on. I head to the football field at school, park up and make my way to the gym lockers. As I walk up, I see Maddy at her locker. "Hey Mads" I say excitedly. "Hey Cass! Excited?" She says. "Oh my god so excited!" I say. "McKay has been looking for you by the way, I think he's on the field" she says. "Oh alright I'll run out and see what's up" I say. I make my way to the field but just as I reach the door outside, I feel myself get picked up from behind. "Hey baby" McKay says. "Hey babe, what's up? I heard you were looking for me?" I say. "Yeah, I was" he says with a smirk before he grabs my hand and pulls me into the unlocked empty classroom. Jesus what is with boys and taking me into secluded classrooms and closets. He closes and locks the door before pulling the curtains down. Then he walks over to me and gently lifts me up onto the desk. He kisses my lips so soft and loving, before he reaches down my skirt and plays with me. I let out a soft moan before he pulls out his dick. He slides my skirt off of me and slides himself inside of me. He picks up the pace, getting quicker and quicker. I feel pressure build up within me before I release myself onto him, my eyes roll and I can't help but moan loudly. He keeps going, every thrust feeling like heaven. I feel him grip a hold of me tightly before cumming inside of me. He stays inside of me and kisses my lips passionately before looking at me saying "I love you Cassie". "I love you McKay" I reply. We finish up and walk hand in hand back to the lockers, where Maddy is waiting clearly impatiently. "Hurry up lovebird. We have to go onto the field" she says. McKay kisses me goodbye and runs out onto the field to meet his team. The cheer team run out and do our dance, perfectly might I add. When we finish up, I turn to look at the team run out. McKay is smiling at me, but I can't help but think about what happened with Nate. I push it out of my mind. It's game time.

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