Chapter 16 : A Cave in Mt. Bima (3).

Start from the beginning

‘Skill proficiency’s going up well, too.’

With the Skeleton Warrior participating in every battle, it was no surprise that Skeleton Fragment skill proficiency went up quickly.

‘At this rate, I’ll be able to achieve rank E before I hit level 20.’

Of course, he didn’t have only good news.

‘The problem is that I don’t have the magic power to use curse magic.’

When he hit level 10, Hyrkan got another chance to learn a dark magic spell.

What he obtained then was the [Devil Curse].

It was a useful debuff magic that lowered the target’s stats by 10 percent. However, out of the tens of fights he had, the opportunities he had to use this spell could be counted on one hand.

‘Curse magic are important too…’

The usefulness of curse magic far outranked the usefulness of summoning magic. Why else would curse magicians be a separate category? Besides, curse magic skill tree didn’t just have stat decreasing spells. There were spells that worsened wounds, slowed heals, and showed illusions. Even the Top 30 Guilds would fight over well-made curse magicians. As a result, extremely popular curse magicians didn’t enter guilds but acted as freelancers. Since they didn’t receive any attribute penalties, they could perform above average against any enemy.

‘I can’t even touch body modification yet…’

The Life Vessel magic would be a godsend to make up for his lack of stamina. This required going into body modification skill tree. Unfortunately, he couldn’t even get his hands on a Skin Sewing skill book, the start of body modification skill tree.

‘In the end, it’s all about money.’

The Skin Sewing skill book, which allowed the user to transplant monster skin to his own, had to be bought with money.

On top of this, Hyrkan had to equip himself with items that made up for his lack of magic power. This also cost money.

Hyrkan was worried because he didn’t have any.

‘Should I just PK?’

He even thought about doing scummy things like PKing.

Of course, he had no plans of doing so. Although he was involved in enough PKs and PvPs to be called the Hero Slaughterer, he had never gone after someone because he was bored or wanted an item.

Against Rankers, he fought fair and square. As for PKs, he had only done it as revenge for attacks against him. He was never the one to actively seek out conflict. In fact, he was outnumbered during most of his PKs. Hyrkan was always the one on the receiving end. Although he never refused a fight and was only satisfied after paying back double, he never enjoyed going after any random, innocent guy.

The fact that Hyrkan had considered such a thing now showed the desperate situation he was in. In truth, he had to show some tangible results within the next three months.


Hyrkan clicked his tongue.

‘I wish someone would just come provoke me.’

Realizing the sort of thoughts he was having as he was backed into a corner, Hyrkan shook his head.

‘Agh, I wish some useless, ill-mannered idiots would come provoke me! If I run into just three, I can cut off their wrist and get at least three item.’

His grumbling ended there.


With a deep sigh, Hyrkan got up from his seat.

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