Trailokya, Book One: The Shadow Soul is available wherever books are sold - amazon, b&n, i-books. Learn more about the series at:
Book Two: Burning Down is arriving Summer 2016.
The Trailo...
The first born ardhodita child of Captain Maiel and Dominic Newlyn.
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Ibajah, Evocati, Order of Horus.
Loyal second to Captain Zaajah.
A soul race, humanoid in build, with legs like a capra aegagrus hircus (goat), native to the planet Satyr.
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From The Blue Honor Blog article: "One might recognize them as the pan or faun. They're small of stature, growing no taller than four feet in height. Their upper torso resembles that of the human, but their amply haired crowns boast a pair of horns. The older the ikyls, the larger and more curled are the horns. Both males and females bear horns. Their lower halves are covered in hair. the knee bends in the reverse and their lower limb end in hooves. They also boast short tails with a bristly tuft. Their nature is friendly, if not amorous, which makes it curious that their form inspired the human caricature of demons.
Satyr is the only planet in Samsara, thus far, to have evolved two highly intelligent species.
The climate of Satyr is humid subtropical and marine. The planet is thickly forested and equally covered in oceans and lakes. The oreiades appear to have evolved from the water layers of the planet, while the ikyls are products of the forest. The two species have lived in harmony since early in their evolution, both coming to inhabit the forests, as they currently live symbiotically. The amorous nature of the ikyls has played well with the egocentric oreiades personality. Intermarriage does not produce offspring, as the species are genetically dissimilar. The pairings are have proved fulfilling for the couples who chose to be together.
The only matter of contention between the races is that dealing with the naiades of Hydria. This other soul species is closely related to the oreiades, and ancient lore suggests they are actually the same people, and the separation occurred due to feuds. Naiades continue to live in water habitats, and populate a different planet. How these populations are actually related is still a mystery, but the similarities are undeniable. Thus, the Ikyls have won the ire of the oreiades in attempting to shepherd the naiades into the UWOS, suggesting the lore may be true, and no doubt the danava are behind the rift in these sister populations."
An order set with the protection of their planets in Samsara, maligned by Jahannam shadowalkers on Earth, and a few other outlands. Their symbol is the triangle with an eye set inside, sometimes referred to as the all seeing eye. A campaign of misinformation on Earth has lead to them being linked with elitist secret organizations bent on world domination, and nefarious actions. Their actual duty, though secretive, is protection of the human and other non-shadow races of Earth so that they can achieve their ascendency without interference. Some outposts used to be commanded and frequented by the same Duta Watchers who burned down in the Great Conflict, such as Belial.
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Imnek, Order of Fenrir.
Alpha Second of Watcher Gediel's pack, mother of Argus, and mate of Chiron; Arctic wolf soul.
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Negative energy that forms a seemingly sentient being. See also Gremlin.
Former ikyl; inhabitant of Jahannam.
Iz, Order of Fenrir.
Dingo soul and guardian of Caleb Havard.
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