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An island province parted by the Urva Sea from Arcadia, located in the Zion universe.

An island province parted by the Urva Sea from Arcadia, located in the Zion universe

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The soul race of giant humanoids with gray skin and bulky musculature, hairless. This race does not cooperate with the UWOS.

"The giant humanoid race of els, although they do not cooperate with the United Watcher Orders of Samsara, have place in many of the folktales and histories of other worlds throughout the galaxy

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"The giant humanoid race of els, although they do not cooperate with the United Watcher Orders of Samsara, have place in many of the folktales and histories of other worlds throughout the galaxy. How they've come to be so far from home is a mystery, as they are believed to not go beyond their borders. It is possible that some els have been kidnapped and taken to these others planets, which would explain the violence almost always attributed to them. (See the images of two sculptures depicting els below.)

The race of els is actually a peaceful race. They have little interest in the other worlds that exist outside their own. Crime is virtually non-existent. The population is relatively small compared to other races. This could be due to the somber landscape of their home planet, Anakim.

An el is characterized by their giant stature, on par with duta height, but far thicker of build. They are the only soul race to be bigger than the duta. However, they are not more powerful. Their great bulk makes them physically slower and doesn't equate to greater strength. They evolved as such due to the cooler weather of their planet. The musculature and fat keep them amply warm. Due to low light conditions, their skin is pale white. In the sun of Earth it will redden as the capillaries struggle to cool their great girth. Higher temperatures can make them sluggish and ill until their body acclimates.

Anakim, their home, is largely a rocky dessert. Water does flow, but plant life is minimal and mainly toward the poles in a thin ring before the frozen tundra and snowy caps. Els survive on fungus, which they farm underground and the amphibious land animals that use the waterways and seas for breeding and feeding. Fishing is a small economy, as most of the creatures in the oceans are toxic. They will harvest a kelp like weed from the marshes, which also serves as the base of textiles.

Fallen els become what is colloquially referred to as barbarians.

enough to recover the plant and animal life. A human visiting Anakim would be able to breath the air, as it is similar to Earth's, but find it thin. The els evolved to process the air via four large lungs. They also absorb the elements of respiration through foods and water ingestion.

The planet undergoes a slow rotation and quick orbit, essentially reversing the concept of a day and a year. Thus, time concepts are calculated oppositely by this race.

El culture is subdued and focused on learning. Their architecture and engineering displays an appreciation for artistic presentation. An appeal for symmetry is something they share with the other intelligent races, as well as a desire for order.

El's have refused membership in the UWOS each time they have been invited. They regard the committee and it's work as aggressive and militaristic. Other than personal defense, they have little interest in military affairs. The UWOS quietly protects Anakim by keeping open communication and reporting any pertinent intelligence." - From The Blue Honor Blog, The Soul Races of The Trailokya Trilogy: Els, March 3, 2017


The southern pole island continent of Zion.

The southern pole island continent of Zion

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Emery Petit.

An actress and girlfriend of Jett Colburn when he meets Holly Greer.


The duta term for male.

Erebus, Erebian.

The desert province ruled by Prince Gediel.


The duta term for female.


The home planet of the bipedal, avian race the Aurai.


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Belial's nephilim son.

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