D - Section

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Brady Zaworski's guardian.


Former grails (see G-Section); inhabitant of Jahannam.


A race of beings formerly a part of Zion before the Conflict of Hosts. They defied the will of dharma and harmed souls in the process through violence (rape, murder, etc.).

From The Blue Honor Blog Article:

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From The Blue Honor Blog Article:

The danava are the antithesis of . In every story, the heroes must have something of which they come up against. Whether this villain is a person or thing or whatnot, that's where differences in genre often happen. The Trailokya Trilogy is an epic dark fantasy, so the forces that the heroes of the books come up against are monsters and quests. To keep the tradition fresh, I made those monsters much more than familiar figures from cultural lore. I encourage all readers to delve deeper than the surface on my writing. There you'll find a rich treasure, layers of meaning and interesting points to theorize upon. After all, I studied writing for that purpose.

In the first several pages of the inaugural book, the reader is introduced to how this universe was created and the upheaval it underwent to develop into the story in which they advance. Based on creation myths already in existence, the reader should see something familiar. At the same time, they will encounter differences that make it all worthwhile, such as the tapestry woven from the multitude of beliefs, creating a very real feeling world unlike anything in existence yet.

If you've been following the blog, and the Friday series that discusses these books, then you probably have learned that much of what I wrote came from years of dreams and nightmares. The darkness in the dreams should seep through every page, along with the tasty surrealism for which dreams are known. Although I have seen the strange and stunning corners that were created inside my mind, the characters are also drawn from universal types to maintain understanding. This is how communication is successful, and writing is all about communicating. That's what I mean by refreshing the familiar.

The darkest figures in the books could easily be the humans, or even another soul race bent on the destruction of humanity. Most stories written take a homo-sapiens-centric attitude, as they are human made art. It makes sense and will be more easily communicated. Yet, we are sliding toward a time where animal sentience is becoming increasingly accepted and alien contact is a matter of time (yes, scientists do believe that there is life on other planets). So, this redefines our roles in the universe. We're no longer the center. Thus, to extend empathy beyond our species, it's important to write stories that of which we can relate to these other figures through.

In human mythology, this rift is dubbed the Conflict of Hosts. It is the story that describes angels falling from heaven and becoming demons. If you read the Judaic texts, you'll learn that demons already existed at this time as well. They were not quite as severe, but still troublesome. This makes sense when you think of things in terms of resonance, as per the Hindu or Buddhist traditions. All beings came into existence at virtually the same time, yet they did not resonate the same. Their differences determined on what levels, or planes, they existed. Sometimes, you'll even see this hinted at in modern horror with some evil more ancient than any darkness brought up. It is unlikely the fallen destroyed the ancient demons, but rather made use of them. With their resonance so low, they were likely controllable by those new arrivals. Pets? Something like that.

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