Trailokya, Book One: The Shadow Soul is available wherever books are sold - amazon, b&n, i-books. Learn more about the series at:
Book Two: Burning Down is arriving Summer 2016.
The Trailo...
The sixth and darkest realm of the Tri-Worlds, Jahannam is also the prison world where atman exist that have grown too 'heavy' to rise to higher plains, from either guilt of thought or action. These beings feed upon one another and struggle to return to Zion without amending their ways. Their violent tendencies are dangerous to the growth of other atman.
From "The Seven Planes: A Primer" on The Blue Honor Blog:
The Sixth realm is a sinister world which was remembered in the Koran as hell by the prophet. The definition is probably the best to describe Jahannam. This is a dark realm, quite removed from the light of the higher planes. Here, the Jñanasattva imprisoned the duta who committed crimes against the Samsaran souls, murder, rape, and the list goes on. Once charged with the oversight of the fifth plane, these beings became known as danava-the devils or Satan in Judeo-Christian lore. Ruled by princes, fallen Seraphim, this broken plane shelters the lowest of all atman. Here, an atman will be fed upon or do the feeding. Very few return from a sentence in this prison and it takes egregious crimes to be placed here.
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The duta term for father.
A fallen human; vampire.
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A soul race, crimson-skinned humanoids with minimal body hair (head and face). Their temperature burns much hotter than other races, causing steam or smoke to rise from their lower extremities when in cooler temperatures. This process gave rise to the myth that their legs are gaseous in nature. This race does not cooperate with the UWOS. They're uninterested in traveling to worlds that cannot support their need for warmth, or being involved in the dramatic business of the union. Their planet is unihabitable by other races due to the high volcanic activity and thus heat.
A race of beings from Nirvana. They are the highest resonance a being can achieve. This resonance is a state of being unlimited. It is neither evil, nor good. The opposite of this state would be the state of non-existence, a state experienced in Oblivion.
Help with pronouncing the Sanskrit:
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Joel, Captain.
Sun Order. Part muse, warrior. Like his twin sister, Maiel, Joel's alternate sattva is a mountain lion.
Jophiel, Order of Terra.
Father Salvatore Gallo's svargduta guardian. He serves with Tajael and Eyeta.
Model girlfriend of Jett Colburn when he meets Holly Greer.
Jushur, Headmaster.
Ordo Priori. Principality and former guardian of Dominic Newlyn; currently oversees the Ordo Priori.