A few hours later

After a few hours of fighting Pixiebob's spartan army made of dirt Izuku had finally arrived to the camp only to see that it was completely dark none of the cabin lights were on. As he walked to the center "Hello?!" He shouted hoping to get the attention of anybody thats when the lights had turned on and everyone shouted "Surprise happy birthday!!!!"

He indeed was surprised that they planned this thats when Momo had embraced him and kissed him. "Hope you were surprised."

Izuku: Whats all this?

Momo: Well we planned this surprise party for you

Izuku: How did you know it was my birthday?

Mina: During the bbq party you got a text from a woman named Chiyo

Aizawa: you have recovery girl in your contacts?

Izuku: I didnt know that was also recovery girls name. Chiyo was my caretaker when i lived in the orphanage.

Before the awkward silence set in Sato and Tokoyami had  come out with a large 3 layer chocolate cake."Happy Birthday bud!!!!" This caused the mood to brighten up a bit on top of the cake was a lone candle with the help of Todoroki who lit the candle.

Both classes of 1-A and 1-B sang happy birthday and waited for Izuku to blow the candle out without hesitation he blew the candle out

Kaminari: What did you wish for?

Kaminari got smacked upside the head by everyone for asking that question.

Mina/ Toru: Kaminari dont you know that you're wish won't come true if you tell people!

Izuku: Its fine my wish never came true in all 16 years of my life. Maybe one day I can reach it. I gave up wishes because they never came true

Momo: So Izu what did you wish for before?

Izuku: I wanted a family..... I wanted a mom, dad , brother or sister. I wanted a forever home a place to be able to come back to one day.

Monoma: Boo who baby wants a family how sad. I always thought 1-A was better

Before Itsuka Kendo could knock out monoma vines trapped him in a form of a cross. Many turned and saw the saint of 1B Shiozaki Awase.

Shiozaki: How dare you speak ill of my friend best pray for forgiveness now.

Izuku: Thankyou all for this little surprise im going to take a stroll

Izuku said before leaving he stabbed a kunai onto the table unknown to them Aizawa had recorded the whole thing and sent it to AllMight.

With AllMight and Inko

Toshi: Hey honey I got a message from Aizawa

Inko: What is it?

Toshi: Its a video

What played next was Izuku revealing what he wished for the most and thats when it hit the two they had forgotten about Izuku they never mentioned to him about them having another kid.

Back to Izuku
As Izuku began to wander the woods and found a little trail which lead to a cave. Upon getting to the top of Izuku found someone else

??: Who are you?

Izuku: Sorry I was taking a walk and found this trail. Wait weren't you with Mandalay earlier

?: Yeah and you're the kid they made the party for.

Izuku: yeah thats me. Im Izuku whats your name?

Kota: Im Izumi Kota

Izuku: You remind me a lot of the water hose heroes. I met them once they were really great heroes

Kota: you met my mom and dad?

Izuku: Yeah they came to sunshine orphanage. They told us what it meant to be a hero I was devastated  when I heard they died.

Kota: Orphanage? You don't have any family either?

Izuku: I grew up by myself I had to learn things the hard way. You have Mandaly she's your family isn't she

Kota: Yeah she's my aunt

Izuku: I would have killed to be in your position to have any form of family like that growing up. She probably gave up on looking for a boyfriend.

Kota: What do you mean?

Izuku: Have you ever seen her go out on a date or look for a boyfriend?

Kota: come to think of it no ive never seen her do that

Izuku: She's probably given up on finding a boyfriend so that she can raise you to be the youngman that your parents wanted you to be.

Kota: You think so?

Izuku: I know so. You may feel abandoned  but you have an aunt who is willimg to raise you if she didn't care about you she would have dropped you off at an orphanage. A hero is someone willing to protect the future.

Izuku and Kota spent time talking the young boy for to finally understand that his parents died for a future they walked back down to the campsite to be greeted by Mandalay. Before Izuku departed to shower he handed a copy of tales of a Gutsy ninja to Kota hoping the boy would enjoy the story.

Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter.  Izuku photo copied his book so he could make other copies

The Abandoned sonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora