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Guess who's going a typing spree😉😉
Yours truly, my mind is a jumbled mess and after typing chapter two, I found out that the writing morale is still there so I'm updating all my books.

If you're a new reader, don't forget to check out my other books 😫😫

Pretty pleaseeeee😚😚😚

Let's continue ❤❤🍧🍧

Fade took a deep breath before she stepped into Elite league, she came pretty early and she saw different expensive cars drive into the compound. She looked at the map in her hand and she tried to locate the assembly hall.

Her uniform had fit her and she loved the way it made her feel. On her way here to school, she met some of her former classmates and they were hailing her. Even her teachers had been proud of her when she went to get letter of recommendation from St. Afolabi memorial High.

She braced herself for whatever was going to be thrown her way because uncle peter told her that rich kids don't treat poor people well. She is going to avoid them and stay on her own for the two years that she was going to stay here.

She was surprised when she got to the hall to find out it had chairs and tables that looked like it was for an executive meeting. In her former school, they usually stand under an open space for assembly and anytime rain fell, no assembly.

She sat at the back of some girls and she placed her school bag beside her. The whole hall was bustling with murmurs from different angles and some people were gisting about how they spent their long holiday.

Someone tapped her and she turned back, it was a girl. She smiled at her and the girl returned her smile while those who stood behind her stared at her like she was some piece of shit.

"You're new here right?" The girl asked and Fade's grin became wider.

"Yeah, I'm a scholarship student"

The girl nodded her head in understanding and pointed at a placard up. The row she was sitting on is for prefects and the girl directed her to the row for SS2 students.

After the assembly, she followed the students that trooped out of the hall while some were talking about the new rules of using cane on students. Most of them felt it was totally wrong. Fade was amazed, in her former school, students were beaten like goats and no one felt it was wrong. Especially her maths Teacher, Mr. Ogunjimi. That man can wake the dead up from sleep with cane, his cane was always painful.

She walked to the rows of locker outside the classroom while she looked for an empty one. She found one with the number EC678 and she opened it. She arranged her books inside and she made a mental note to bring her remaining books from home.

She checked her tag and her class was SS2Blue, she took a deep breath and she looked for the class until she found SS2blue. She walked inside and took a deep breath as she searched around for a vacant seat. Here looked nothing like St. afolabi memorial high.

"Are you new here?" A fair girl asked her and she nodded her head. Her accent was top notch and Fade admired that.

"Which school did you transfer from?" The girl asked again and Fade swallowed in fear. Her new classmates might not like her because she's from a public school.

She wanted to lie at first but she decided against that and she can't ignore her because the girl kept on looking at her for answer.

"Saint Afolabi Ogundele memorial high"

The girl looked at her in confusion and Fade stood there like a puppy lost in the rain.

"Are you a scholarship student?"

Demi's Girl |Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now