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We are already at chapter 46 😩😩❤️

54 chapters left to update 😎😎

I'm so happy y'all 🥺🥺❤️❤️


At this point, I felt like a whiny little brat who wanted to be left alone and now she's alone but she craves the attention. I don't know how long I will have to put up with this but I'm sure I will survive it.

It's been approximately two weeks since my break up with Demi and it has taken a toll on me. It's affecting my social and academic life, it's disheartening to be honest. Everyone feels I was just overreacting but I know I'm not.

Since the break up, he has been closer to the girl and the whole school except me is shipping them. I no longer talk to anyone from their house and my bond with Katerina is strained already. We've reduced to just hellos and his. It's not my fault that I no longer want to speak to Kate but she's the one who picked Demi over me.

To make everything worse, we had a nasty fight last weekend and she said some really awful shits to me. She came back to apologize later on but it's too late. Her sorry can't take back things she said.

_____| Flashback |_____

"Kate, why did you take my headband without telling me?" I asked leaning on the rail of the staircase. It's not the headband that's paining, its just the fact that she went out to chill with Stephanie and co. at their house.

"Since when did we start telling each other before taking things? I didn't know it has gotten to that level oh. That's your stupid headband anyways" She removed the headband and she flinged it across the sitting room.

I clenched my fingers in anger and i took a deep breath before walking towards the direction she flung the headband to. I picked it up and i decided to walk up the stairs.

"I know it's not the headband that's paining you because you rarely wear them. It's just the fact that you expect me to take your side this time. Im not your babysitter, you need to grow up" She fired back and I settled on ignoring her. Atleast if we get into a fight here, she will be supported plus i don't want to beat someone's child black and blue.

"Fadekemi, you need to start owning up to your shit and start dealing with your insecurities. We both know how much you're making the boy's life miserable because you felt inferior to Michelle. Come on, that poor girl didn't do shit to you. Your relationship failed because you have so much demons in your head and they are doing a nice job converting you into a devil like them. Michelle never stood up to take your place and now you made her. News flash, Michelle is going to help Demi get over you and I hope she succeeds at it. You're nothing but a vile person Fadekemi. I regret ever knowing you." She was screaming into my face and I stared at her as if she was performing drama to me. She was probably expecting me to flare up and say things back but I'm not saying shit, on G.

I walked past her and I went downstairs to continue the kdrama I was watching. I could feel her eyes boring holes into my back but I don't care at this point anymore


"Your card keeps declining ma'am" the attendant told me and I felt like screaming out my lungs to the world. This was the third time it was declining and the queue at the mall was long.

"Here, use mine for her" someone said beside me and i turned to look at the person. It was Michelle and she smiled at me. I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me it was forced.

"No thanks, I'd just return the stuffs instead" I replied almost immediately and the cashier motioned over for a staff who picked my basket to return the things I picked to their space on the shelf.

I walked out of the mall feeling ashamed but at least it was better than Michelle paying for my things. I didn't walk far before someone started screaming my name from afar. I knew it was Michelle with that her funny way of pronouncing my name. I turned and I waited for her to catch up with me.

"I'm sorry for stopping you abruptly. I know you hate me but please listen to whatever I have to say" Hse begged and i rolled my eyes. I don't even know who the hell told this girl I hate her, I don't hate her.

"I don't hate you Michelle, I'm not a fan of your company and that's two different things" I replied and she took a deep breath.  I know whatever this girl is about to say will have an effect on me.

"I hate the fact that I caused you and Demi's breakup. I know how it's like to feel unwanted in a relationship and like you're a third party. I hate it too because I've once been in a similar situation. I didn't enjoy it one bit. You might not notice but you two look like walking deads. The way he stares at you everytime you walk pass our class block or the way he gets to school early just to watch you go into your class. You both are miserable without each other, please don't let your prides get in the way" She pleaded and I was touched. I didn't know Demi watches me in school to be honest and getting to school extra early because of me is crazy too.

I didn't know what to say and i don't want to come off as insensitive. She already thinks of me as a bad bitch and adding rude to that list will probably be inappropriate. I just said thank you curtly and I walked away to the exit.

If the Lord gives me strength to update again, who am I to say no?😩😩😩😩

Please vote and commmmeeeeennnnnttttt 🥺🥺🥺🤍🤍🤍

Who knows I might update again 😎😎

Hera 🥀

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