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Fade sat down in the hospital reception and she stared into space. The news had circulated round Elite College and Fade doesn't even know how, different people had come to see her in this hospital. Her teachers, some of her classmates, her chaperone even came twice bringing her gifts to take her mind off things but the reality will always remain a reality.

"Fade, let's go home and shower, you smell like shit. Remember you've not bathed for three days now. I know you want to be here when your mum wakes up but don't worry, we will be back before you know it" Kate asked her with a pout and Fade gave no reply.

Since she saw her sister's body before the little girl was wrapped finally yesterday, Fade has not said a word since then. Kate pulled her up and took her outside the hospital as Fade followed her reluctantly. They both entered the car and the driver took them home.

Kate made sure to stand on Fade's neck till she had a proper bath and her stepmom made rice for both of them.  Fade packed hers inside a cooler and she unplugged her phone from where she plugged it when they came inside. Something big was about to happen and she could feel it in her bone marrows.

She waited for Kate near the door holding the cooler in her hand tight before Kate finally emerged from her room donning on a new outfit. Kate pulled Fade out of the house and pushed her gently into the car.

"I don't like the rice abeg, let's branch Dominos Pizza before going to the hospital now. Stuff was tasteless" Kate whined and Fade gave no reply. She didn't have amy strength left in her to say anything.

She had left Demi's message unreplied  yesterday when she didn't know what to say to him to help her convey how she's feeling. When he asked her how was she yesterday, she couldn't even give a honest reply and fine was overrated when it came to her.

Kate took her silence as a No and she went quite too while watching something on her phone. Fade wanted to apologise but the words weren't forming in her throat. She wanted to say thank you too but something was clogging her throat.

She came down quietly as the car pulled up in Rabbor hospital parking lot and Kate followed her some minutes later. She wasn't in the mood to entertain visitors so she took the second stairs that led straight to the patients ward.

She opened the door to her mom's room gently and she walked inside carefully making sure her legs made no sounds. Tears clouded her vision once more as she looked at the different wires connected to her mom's body. She wouldn't have recognized her if not for the name placard on her bedside.

The woman on that bed didn't have her mom's smooth skin, instead she had a very black skin filled with bruises and poxes. The side of her head was shaved to stitch the ugly injury from whatever her father hit her with and the other side held what's left of what use to be a very long and thick mass of hair.

Her father hasn't been found since the incident happened and he hasn't frequented his regular beer parlor too. Kate's dad had tipped people off to call him immediately they saw him and Fade honestly wished they will kill him be firing squad or fry him inside hot oil too.

She sat down on the nearest chair to the bed and she wanted to badly touch her mom but she was scared of messing things up or perhaps making her condition worse because God knows she didn't deserve all this.

Fade stood up to go outside to get fresh air and when she got to the reception, she saw some familiar faces from home. Her aunt was there, mummy Khadija too from her mom's shop area and she couldn't really recognize the rest.

"Ekaasan oh" She knelt down to greet all of them and they stopped their hushed discussions to face her. She hated the way they all looked at her in pity and the way they shook their heads while raining curses on her father.

"Fadekemi, sorry ehn. Your father is an unfortunate man and God will make him pay for everything. That fine woman, see as he has changed her into something else" Iya chidinma lamented and Fade smiled sadly. She didn't have it in her to cry anymore, her tear glands were exhausted already.

"That's why when people are telling you to avoid people like your father now, you should listen to them. I remember when your parents just got married and he had a government work then, your mom thought she had seen maga, now see what maga has done for her" That was Mummy Khadija and Fade wanted to slap her hard across her face.

The woman knew nothing about her parent's marriage and she's here running her mouth as if she lives with them from the start. This same Mummy Khadija was beaten by her husband all around the market and he stripped her naked yet she's here condemning her own mother for staying.

"Baby girl" someone called from the other side and Fade turned to look, it was her chaperone. She smiled as he made his way towards her.

"Fade, you're already having boyfriend too?" Her aunt exclaimed and the women turned to look at Demi.

"That's how your mother started too oh, now you too you want to start abi" Mummy Khadija added again and this time Fade hissed.

She pulled Demi away from the women who decided that gossiping about her family under the pretences of visiting without even seeing the victim was the next thing for their life.

I had the maddest writer's block in history and i couldn't type a word for this book despite having the scenes in my head 😫😫😫

Anyways, I started a new book and the title is New Year Resolutions 🥺🥺🥺💃💃💃💃💃
You're going to love the book for real🥺♥️♥️♥️

Anyways don't forget to voooottttteeee and commmeeennnntttt please 🥺🥺🥺♥️♥️♥️

Hera 💒💒

Demi's Girl |Book 1 ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora