I walk into my bedroom bathroom and strip myself of any clothing, minding my arm. I place a plastic bag over my bandaged forearm and slip into the shower. The feeling of the warm water on my back was soothing, I stayed like that for another few minutes then lathered my favorite shampoo into my h/c hair.

After showering and getting dressed in dark clothing, I grabbed a small backpack for a few snacks. I trotted down the stairs, fixing the crooked picture and made my way to the door and left a note for my dad on the fridge

I really hope he gets home before her...

Slipping out of the house, I began my walk to the park shooting Tim a message letting him know im nearly there.

"Tim?" I called out to him upon reaching the park and not seeing him there. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and almost jumped out of my skin "Fucking hell, Tim! Why?!"

He lets out a soft chuckle and apologizes, scratching the back of his neck, a small smile graced on his features.
We both begin walking around, trying to find a place that seems comfortable enough to sit

"Oh- wait, I know a place in the woods over there-" he points to the edge of the Forrest, "its a tunnel and ive placed a few chairs there" I look at him and tilt my head slightly, "why'd you put chairs there?"

He glances over at me with an odd glint in his eyes then looks back at the tree line. "I put them there because me and my buddy's, jay, Alex, Seth and Brian used to hang out there... When we were on good terms" he tails off slightly, sighing.

I notice a sadness glazing over his eyes although he managed to keep a straight face. "You okay Tim?"

He flinches slightly but straightened his posture a bit "yea, everythings fine" he lets out a small smile
I tell him to lead the way and we begin walking to the tunnel.

The sticks and leaves crunching under our feet was very satisfying as we walked along the forgotten path in silence. I look up at the trees, the pine staying it's ever-green beauty while all other trees begin to lose their leaves and look Barren.

Walking along the path, the tunnel comes into view.

"Is this it?" I glance over to Tim and he nods, looking uneasy but managing a small smile.

We both proceed into the tunnel and I notice a small red stain on the ground, it almost looked like dried blood. I shrug it off and take a seat next to his.

The chairs were actually new-ish soft recliners. Why they were in an old tunnel?

I have no clue.

"Hey tim?" I turn my head to the left to look at the dark haired boy.
"Yes y/n?" He turns to look back at me, gazing straight into my eyes.

"Why are these chairs so nice?" I chuckle lightly,my eyes grinning along with my mouth. I rub my hand on the chair admiring the soft fabric.

He lets out a soft chuckle "it was just- me and my buddys came down here so much we decided to make it comfortable. Theres also a small power source that we can bring extension cords here and plug in a tv or something. After they... "

he lets out a sad sigh and shifts his head down a bit. He grabs his composure and looks back up at me "this became my safe place" I can see the sadness in his brown eyes.

I shift towards him in my chair and hug him.

He stiffens but hugs me back. I feel his chest waver as he lets out a few quiet sobs of despair.

"I- I miss them... I- " a few cracked up sobs interrupts him as he grasps at me tighter burring his head in the crook of my neck as his tears stain my shirt. He freezes and stiffens his posture again.

He lets out a choked groan and moves back, holding his head in his hands "im sorry y/n" he looks at me with his now red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, "I gotta go, um.. Im going to take you back though"

Wiping his cheeks he stands and offers me his hand. I take it and he pulls me up and lets go once im fully standing.

We both make our way back to the park and part ways, him offering me a small wave that I return.

On my way home I stop at the store to grab a few snacks then I return home to an angry mother and a quiet father both sitting on the couch, TV turned off.

"And where exactly were you? And whats with that ugly backpack? Actually, I dont fucking care youre grounded. Room. Now. Why did we have a kid, Matt?"

My mother hardly uses my dad first name.

I look at my dad who looks like hes going to protest but I watch him back down and mouth 'im sorry' towards me. I simply nod and make my way to my room, locking it once inside.

I fucking hate my family...

I walk over to my dresser a lovely polished oak. I open a drawer reveling a small box, on its lid reads, 'yeah, I know, just get it over with and you'll feel better. Maybe this time will be the end'

I gingerly pick it up with tears welling up in my eyes. I walk over to my bed I sit down placing the box next to me then taking a glance at my door, making sure its still locked.

I shakily open the box to reveal a sharp blade.

I let out a soft sigh and take one quick glance around my room before touching the blade to my skin, pressing ever so slightly and repeating a cutting motion on my skin until I have left a decent sized "mark" then repeating until I didnt feel like damaging my skin anymore. I then sit in silence for a short while, glaring at the new found hate on my arm.

Returning my box to my dresser and laying down, I close my eyes and try to get some rest.

I just hope Tim is okay, he seemed really distraught.

 Fear- (tim wright) masky x reader Where stories live. Discover now