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I cant believe the man I promised to give a companion to is dead, am I cursed?

It seems that anyone I grow even somewhat close to vanishes out of reach, some dying while others grow to hate me.

I deserve it, I'm a freak, a monster. I sip on a capresun while I lean the chair back, the legs popping out and becoming a leg rest.

While stairing at the ceiling, I can faintly hear the rusting of leaves and the flow of air around me becomes heavy. The bruises and cuts on my arms burning in some sort of warning to move, do anything to get out.

I pay no mind, this happens regularly, seemingly whenever it's too quiet. Even if someone or something is there, I welcome it.

I lay still for a little while, the t.v softly playing in the background. Soon I'm swooned to sleep. Curling into a small ball on the recliner, cold.

It was a restless night plagued by nightmare after nightmare.

Tim stands at the end of a brightly lit field of wheat. Smiling and staring off into the distance. The sun is setting beautifully, making me smile to myself as I approach him. He turns and smiles towards me, opening his arms for me to run into. Welcoming. I begin running towards him but suddenly his face fosters a dark look, almost resentful towards me. I stop in my tracks and watch him.

Someone who looks exactly like me walks into view and charges at him, carrying something. She plunges whatever it is into his torso. He doesnt fight back and begins smiling and whispering something that I couldnt make out until she pulls it out and stabs it into his chest opposite of his heart.

"Its okay.." this is what he keeps repeating, "its okay."

Soon she plunges it deep into this neck, he collapses onto his knees and gasps for air. Holding onto his throat while crimson colored blood spurts out of his wound, "its okay"his voice is wavering and gargling almost. He reaches forward and grabs onto her legs, hugging them tightly.

She stands there, motionless, her face void of any emotion. His body begins trembling, ragged and quickened breaths escaping him. He sits there for a moment and soon his body goes limp, falling to the ground, staining the wheat with his blood.

I hold awake, my body shaking and my heart pounding. I'm unable to fully understand what I just witnessed. I knew that it was me, I killed him, I relentlessly stabbed him and watched him die.

I stand up abruptly, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach. Rushing outside the tunnel I heave up last nights 'dinner'onto the forest floor. My throat burning I fumble through the fridge looking for a bottle of water to wash my mouth out with.

My body shakes heavily as I try to forget my nightmare, he is alive, I know he is.

I stayed in the tunnel for at least three days, every one of them filled with doubt and loneliness. The only thing keeping me company was the t.v playing quietly in the background.

I thought about assembling the pieces of the glass bird again but I couldnt being myself to even look at it. Maybe this was payback for what i did? Probably.

While laying on the recliner on the fourth night, I watch the news. Hoping for any of the cameras to by chance, pan over Tim, no luck. Laying back more I stare at the curved top of the metal tunnel. It's cold in here, by now we would have brought out the small heaters and attached them to the generator.

Luckily I didnt have to keep it on because of a small park charging port outside the tunnel. I'm not sure why it's there but pay no mind. Maybe this area was once a park and they never got around to shutting off the power in this area.

My thoughts are cut shor as a pair of heavy footsteps seemingly make their way towards the tunnel entrance. I jump up while turning the t.v off, quickly placing the recliner down and hiding my snacks under the chair. I huddle down behind the recliner, hoping not to be seen by whoever's it was.

A brunette walks into the entrance of the tunnel, suddenly stopping and glancing around, eyes wide.

"Who cleaned it up?"

Its Tim, why'd he come back? Was he going to clean the mess he left behind? Or was-

My thoughts are interrupted as he suddenly calls out, "y/n?" Hes looking straight at me eyes wide.

My eyes lock onto his, just as wide, my heart dropping the pounding in my chest. I was frozen in place, crouched down behind this old recliner. Suddenly I jump up, and rush out of the tunnel not daring to look back, a loud scuffing sound emitting from my feet.

I can hear him chasing after me, stepping heavily. Running as fast as I could while tripping over everything in my frantic escape. Hes gaining on me, his steps getting louder.

Hes close enough that I can hear his ragged breaths. Hes gotta be at least ten feet behind now, if not closer.

My breath is heavy and unstable, my heart feeling like it's going to burst through its confinement. I feel like I'm going to faint from the amount of fear and adrenaline coursing through my entire body.

"Leave me alone!" I frantically yell to him. Bending down and picking up a stick, I hurl it at him, missing by a hair. His footsteps falter again but then seem to get faster. Gaining on me, I startle and trip over a log. Falling down, scraping my hands from trying to catch myself. I try to scramble to my feet but a heavy weight toples on top of me, causing my breath to hastily leave my lungs.

"Get off!" I'm now trembling and struggling to get out of his grip, he grabs my wrists with one of his hands and flips me over.

"Why are you running from me?" He pants heavily from running. His face is stained with dirt and tear streaks, his eyes bloodshot. I struggle more, but I cant seem to get out of his grip.

"Please, let me go," I thrash around looking for any weak spots that I may hit to possibly get free.

He places one of his legs onto of mine to try to get my thrashing and struggling to subside even slightly. It works, I cant move much anymore other than my torso and only part of my arms.

Tim is completely silent now, the only sound being his ragged breaths above me. I cant see his face completely but his eyes are avoiding my face. It almost looks like hes disassociated.

"I'm sorry," he blurts out, "I shouldn't have said those things to you, I was just scared" I stop moving completely.

"What?" My eyes wide as I look him in the eyes, he still avoids any sort of eye contact.

He glances back, "I'm sorry y/n" his eyes become watery,"just dont run from me, please," he let's my arms go after using them to help me sit up straight and getting off of me. He sits about 5 feet away from me, legs crossed.

I dont know what to say. I sit completely still, watching his shaking body as he aggressively wipes his tears only to be replaced by more.

"Tim why?" I shuffle slightly, still not completely sure as to what to ask or tell him. He looks up at me, a confused yet baffled expression crossing his features.

"Why what?" He sniffles slightly. I look to the tree that he is leaning on and sigh.

"Why are you trying to apologize, I'm the one who made a horrible mistake, hell I shouldn't even be allowed to be free right now." I turn my head and rub the side of my neck, aggressively looking at a leaf on the ground as if it could respond to me, " I thought you didnt want anything to do with me anymore, what happened to that?"

He sighs and lifts his head, trying to maintain eye contact, " I dont know what I was saying, i just, i dont know, i was scared. I didnt want to get caught with a murderer."

 Fear- (tim wright) masky x reader Where stories live. Discover now