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"Tim?" I watch as Brian and Tim exchange glances, "what's with the mask? What's going on?"

"Brian, start us off." Tim hands the mask to Brian as he steps forward.

"Well, it's very hard to explain." Brian reaches to his neck, scratching it, "I think it's best if you start, it'll make more sense that way."

I look between the two males, confused as they procrastinate.

Tim let's out a sigh as he takes the mask back, " look y/n, I um, have some weird connection to this mask, it causes me to do... things... that most people would deem horrific, disgusting and ungodly," he puts the mask near his face, his eyes seeming to shake unnaturally. He then moves it back to its resting place, at his side, "I really don't know how to explain it. Things that happen while I wear this thing," he gestures towards the mask, "I've done terrible things while wearing it. Have you ever woken up in the back seat of your car covered in book with no recollection of how you got there or why youre covered in blood that isn't yours?"

I watch him carefully as he drones on, "I really don't understand, how can a mask make you do these... things? How do I know you're telling the truth?"

He looks at Brian, "we're gonna have to do it"

Brian lets out a breath, " we thought you were going to say that, we have prepared a few videos. I tend to follow him around so he knows what's going on while he's...well, 'absent'. I have it all on recording but are you sure you want to know more? It's disgusting, honesty."

"Yes, I want to know more, i need to know who he really is subconscious or not." I glance at the camera laying on the kitchen table, idle, taking a deep breath, I continue, "show me."

Brian shakes his head slightly. He walks into the living room, plugging different wires into the tv and camera, hooking it up successfully. He then loads up multiple videos, the thumbnails as gruesome as ever.

We all take a seat on the sofa, my place leaned up again Tim as he rubs circles on my arm in a attempt to keep me calm.

"If you want to stop watching, just let me know and I'll tell him to turn it off" he plants a small kiss on my forehead as he reassures me, "even I have a hard time watching all the way through, it all started happening a year ago, about 6 months after I met you. I think that's why I got so spooked when that whole thing with your mom went down"

I give him a nod in response and lean further into his side.

Brian looks at me, "ready?"


He grabs his little remote selecting the first tape, "I hope so. This is the first time I was ale to record what was happening."

The video shows Tim randomly waking up, but he doesnt seem to be completely there. His eyes closed he reaches for the mask, Brian tries to snatch it away but to no prevail.

"I couldn't get the mask out of his grasp, I don't know why"

"Tim, wake up dude, what are you doing?" Brian tries to wake him up but again, nothing. Tim gets the mask on his face as he sits up an unnerving sound making its way from behind it. It almost sounds like he is in pain but no expression can be seen from behind the mask.

He stands, facing Brian. The camera can be seen shaking a bit.

"I really thought he was going to charge me, coulda sworn that, that was going to be my last night alive... the look in his eyes" Brian visibly shutters.


As the video continues Tim can be seen making his way around the forrest, mumbling incoherently to himself.

 Fear- (tim wright) masky x reader Where stories live. Discover now