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"I was scared, y/n. I still dont fully understand why you did what you did. I dont know what's going to come next. Or whats going to happen. But I dont think I'll be able to live with myself if you get caught." Tim stares at the forest floor, messing with a small beetle.

I can dimmly see the string lights that light the tunnel in the distance. I feel something brush against my hand and I look down. My heart drops for a moment.

A spider has claimed a home on my hand, just sitting there and doing nothing. I lift my hand up and it starts crawling around. I let out a soft chuckle and I hear a small breath escape Tim's lips, "what's funn-"

He gasps and stands up, "what the hell y/n?! Put that down, that's a spider, holy hell-" his words seem to jumble together. Is he scared of spiders? I stand up, using my other hand to push myself up while keeping the spider on my hand.

I push it towards him and he let's out a small yelp, "you're scared of spiders, Tim?" He suddenly stands up straight, clearing his throat. Trying to force a calm expression.

"I would never," his words are cut short as the spider jumps on him. He lets out a small shriek as he begins vigorously trying to grab it and shake it off of himself, "you little"

He finally brushes it off and stomps on it, ending the tiny things life. I let out a false gasp and begin making crying sounds, "why, oh why, he was so helpless and small"

Tim then starts panicking and trying to console me, grabbing my sholders. I begin laughing and crying at the same time.

I missed this. I missed him so much.

"Wait what's wrong? I'm sorry I killed it," with this he becomes even more frantic," ah I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to, it was just a reflex"

"No Tim, that's not it" I let out a shaky breath to try to calm myself down,"I just missed you, Tim, so much. I was so lost without you by my side. You were all i had left and i thought i lost you for good."

With this he stopped all movements. He stands still for a moment before engulfing me into a tight hug. He runs small circles on my back,"I missed you too. I'm so sorry I abandoned you. I'm sorry I blocked you. But when I got your voicemail about you being lost in the forest and as soon as you started crying, if I hadn't have blocked your contact I would have tried to reach out or try to follow you. I dont know what I was thinking, I'm so sorry"

I lean into him and take deep breaths, "it's okay, I would have done the same thing, well i mean, not to you of course." I lightly push myself away from him and begin walking towards the tunnel in the distance, "come on, let's talk in here"

He follows close behind me, saying nothing. The sound of crunching leaves and branches under our feet was soothing me in a way.

I dont know if it was just because I knew Tim was yet again by my side or if it was the closure I felt from knowing that he doesnt really hate me. While we walk i notice that we ran very far from the tunnel, the lights barely visible.

The path is messy with sticks and leaves, I then notice a scuffed spot with two handprints too large to be mine. A string of guilt hits me and i glance at Tim. He has his eyes focused on the trail.

I glance back at the scuffed spot and notice a branch laying near it. That must be the branch that I threw at him, i really made him fall down?

I look back at him, my neck lightly cracking with the sudden movement, "Tim?" I lightly poke his arm causing him to tun his head towards me and stop walking, "yeah y/n?" he directs his attention towards me as I begin to point towards the branch that I threw at him.

"im uh, sorry about that, I wasnt thinking clearly" I slightly bow my head, then check his head and arms for injury, "did I hurt you at all? It looks like it made you fall" He shakes his head, "im okay, y/n, im not hurt at all, maybe a scrape but thats fine. nothing i cant handle." he slightly smiles at me then continues walking. I follow beside him, my arm slightly brushing up against his arm.

As we walk I suddenly stop and begin frantically thinking, sitting on the ground, frightening Tim.

"whats wrong, did you hurt yourself?" he begins checking me for damage, awkwardly,"what is it?"

"I lost it."


"The box that you gave me at the begining of the year"I hang my head low in shame.

"Oh thats okay, no worries about that, I remember What was in there so I can just make it again." Tim lightly rubs the back of his neck then pats my shoulder, "honestly, its alright, where Do you think you lost it? maybe we can go find it"

He smiles at me and I nod, "if I remember correctly,its probably in my room"

(An) super short chapter but i felt bad for not posting for almost 2 months

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