"And Jimin? God, don't get me started on him," She scoffed, "He is acting like a horny teenager! I am certain that he managed to get Jungkook in bed with him and I know my brother keeps sneaking out of his room trying not to be seen. Unfortunately, I was hungry at 3 in the morning once and saw him leaving his room in just his boxers, with hickeys all over him. I almost threw up my ice cream then and there.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that they are...happy, I guess, I just don't want to hear what they get up to," Hana shook her head, "I've had to have words with Jimin and explain nicely that if I hear them again, I was going to set his precious sex things on fire. Including his favourite, the sex-swing. He almost dropped to his knees to beg me to leave his precious collection alone. Well, it did work for the first few weeks, but then Jungkook got hold of him...or the other way around. I don't want to remember that if I'm honest. I could have killed Jin for sending me to get them for dinner when he knew what they were up to,"


Hana almost leapt out of her skin and she had a gun pointed at the person behind her, "Shit. Don't do that!"

"Sorry. I thought you heard me!"

"If you send me into an early labour, you'll be in the grave next to him,"

"I got him flowers. I wasn't sure what flowers he liked,"

"These a lovely. Thank you," Hana said, laying them on the grave, "He didn't like flowers to be honest. He liked buying them, but hated to get them,"

"Then why have you given them to him?"

Hana smiled, "Because we always played pranks on each other,"

Hana stood up and rubbed her belly, turning around.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah," She said, "I just miss him,"

"I know,"

"I wish he was here to see me pregnant,"

"So do I,"

Hana nodded and sighed, "How was your appointment?"

"There's nothing they can do. I guess I'm stuck with this face until the day I die,"

"Well, I happen to think you look sexy," Hana said, stepping forward and grinning, "The scar is kinda hot,"

"Then I don't mind being blind in one eye," Namjoon smirked and kissed her gently, "I guess that's one thing I can thank my brother for. My ridiculously sexy fiancee finding me even sexier with a large scar on my face. Good thing I have one eye to admire that plump ass and my god, those tits! If we weren't in a cemetery, I'd bend you over and fuck you,"

"Behave yourself, Joonie," She said, her lips brushing his slightly, "My due date is around the corner and I am not going to be manhandled,"

"We have the limo to ourselves," He said, cupping her ass, "Do you remember the first time we had fun in the back of a car?"

"Yeah. I was undercover pretending to be a hooker,"

Namjoon moaned, "Fuck. You've made me hard. I need to get you home as soon as-"

"I love you," Hana said, quickly, "You know that, right?"

"I'd hope so considering you agreed to marry me,"

"And you would love me no matter what?"

"Ok, where is this going?"

"This is going to sound crazy but would it be ok to have Wonho as an unofficial godparent?"

Namjoon smiled slowly and kissed her, deeply, "If that is what you want. I'm sure he'd like it if he was still here babe,"

"Thank you,"

"No worries," He ran his tongue across her bottom lip, "Now, get that sexy fucking ass of yours out of this place because I'm going to-"

"Not manhandle me," Hana said linking her fingers with his.

"I wasn't going to say that, you bitch," Namjoon tutted, "I was going to say, bend you over the seat and make love but fuck you,"

Hana laughed, "Yeah. That's not going to happen when I'm so pregnant,"

"Why? I heard it helps you go into labour,"

"It doesn't," Hana said, "And I had a friend who tried that. It just made her pissed off and tired,"

"So, no sex?"

"I didn't say that,"

"Come on guys!" Jimin yelled as they got closer to the car, "I forgot Jungkook is still tied to my bed with a cage over his dick!"

"For fuck sake," Namjoon muttered, "Tell me why I'm still friends with this dick? And why I still don't kick him out of my gang?"

"Because you love him and he is a good friend," Hana said, "Jimin, Jungkook is going to be so pissed when you get back,"

"Which I am going to love," Jimin smirked, "It's about time the loser starts to act more like a dom. I need to be fucked roughly because Tae has nothing to do with this conversation. I'm driving,"

Hana kicked a stone at him which made him laugh and she looked up at Namjoon, "You might have to send him to the basement when our daughter arrives,"

"Yeah," Jin said, "Along with any boy who even looks in her direction,"

"I have to be prepared," Namjoon tutted, "Get in the fucking car already. I need to get out of this fucking outfit,"

"Tracksuit bottoms are hot," Hana said quietly, "Easy access,"

"And that is our cue to go in the other car," Yoongi said.

Namjoon laughed, "Good. Now, fuck off. I need to spend some quality time with her before my mood is ruined by your face,"

Yoongi flipped him the middle finger and walked to the other car with Jin.

"After you, beautiful," Namjoon smirked at Hana, "And hurry up before I decide to fuck you in public,"

"Good thing I love you," Hana muttered and awkwardly climbed into the car.

"Hana," Namjoon said, "I love you,"

"I love you too," Hana smiled as Namjoon climbed into the car, closing the door, "Are you going to fuck me or are you just going to sit there looking pretty?"

"God, I fucking love you,"


A/N:  I didn't kill him. Obviously. But I think I scared a few of you haha.

She was speaking to Wonho.

I hope you enjoyed this book anyway, I had fun writing 'Undercover' and 'Revealed'.

There will be an extra chapter but probably not about Jimin and his shenanigans. His story will either be in the 18+ one-shots I have or be on my Inkitt page. I also don't know when the extra chapter will be out.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Stay weird <33

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