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Hana sat on the armchair reading, with her two dogs laying down either side of her. She was under strict instructions to take it as easy as possible and not to do anything too strenuous. At first, she didn't mind being waited on hand and foot, but now it was getting annoying.

"Namjoon," She said, trying not to snap, "I'm sitting down and I am reading. What could possibly go wrong for you to sit there and watch me like a hawk?"

"Can I not admire your beauty?"

"Yes but you aren't watching me for that reason," Hana said closing her book, "What do you want? I'm not doing anything because I promised not to,"

Namjoon sighed, "I was just thinking,"


"Our baby girl," He said quietly, "What if she doesn't love me?"

Hana smiled and made her way over to him. She straddled his lap and kissed him gently before hugging him, "She is going to love her daddy. I love you so that means she will,"

"Being called daddy is going to be weird,"

"Shit. Please don't tell me you have a daddy kink,"

"No," He tutted, "I never thought I'd ever become a dad. I hate kids and they hate me. Mostly cause they are scared of me. I didn't...I didn't want to raise a child in this environment. They could get hurt,"

"True but with you as a father, me as a mother and those crazy bastards as uncles, nothing bad will happen to her," She said, ruffling his hair, "Something else is bothering you though,"

Namjoon dropped his head onto the back of the sofa and rubbed his face, "I don't know how to tell you this but I can't keep it from you,"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm facing time in jail,"

"What?" Hana said quietly, "What do you mean?"

"The prosecutors have enough evidence to send me away for a very long time. 25 years minimum," He said, "I don't know who the fuck they spoke to but I'm in some deep shit right now. I've spoken to my contacts and they say everything is out of their hands. Someone high up has royally fucked me up. Taehyung and my legal team are doing everything they can to keep my ass out of jail,"

"But-but you can't go to jail!" She said, "Ok, so I know you aren't innocent but you can't. I won't let this happen,"

"Baby," Namjoon said, "There's nothing I can do. I have to keep my ass as squeaky clean as possible. If I'm caught for anything, I'm done for,"

Hana shook her head, "No. I won't let this happen,"

"Again, you can't do anything. You're pregnant,"

"But not a fucking idiot," She said, getting to her feet, "You seem to forget who I am, Namjoon,"

"A sexy, crazy, pregnant lady?"

"Yes, well that's a given," Hana rolled her eyes, "I have a few people that owe me and I will keep your ass out of jail,"

"If you say so but I'm fucked even if they don't send me to jail,"

"Trust me," Hana said, "I've got you covered. Now, have you seen my brother?"

Namjoon watched her leave the room, followed by her dogs and he groaned, "Fuck!"

"Did you tell her?" Jin asked making him jump.

"Yeah," He sighed, "She's on some mission to keep my ass out of jail. Jin, nothing is going to fucking work. I need to leave the country before I get sent down,"

"I believe in her. You won't be sent to jail," He said, "But we do know who has been talking to the cops,"


"Think really hard, Namjoon. He hates you,"

"Many people do,"

"Ok, that's true," Jin laughed, "The man is the scum of the earth and one of the main reasons for your girlfriend for quitting the force,"

Namjoon felt himself scowled, "He's still fucking alive?"

"You'd be surprised how some cops are alive in jail," Jin said, "If you want your name cleared then he has to be silenced or have something that will send him away for longer,"

Namjoon nodded, "We need to get Darcy to talk,"

"Not going to happen," Jin said as Namjoon stood up, "But he is up for a visit soon. His daughter is going to see him,"

"She still sees him? Fucking disgusting,"

"It's not what you think," Jin smirked, "She is rinsing that bastard for everything he has. Her mother divorced him after she found out what he did but Mia is destroying his life even more. I was thinking you use her to protect yourself,"


"He's shit scared of you, right?" Jin said, "And he is scared that Hana will kill him. Don't ask how I know, I just do. Speak with Mia and pay him a little visit with Hana. I'm sure she has more shit on him that will keep that disgusting mouth shut,"

"I can't take her to a prison," Namjoon ran his hands through his hair.

"Namjoon!" Hana called, almost running into the room, "I might have saved your ass but you need to speak with Seunho. He has been-"

"-the one to chat shit about me,"

Hana frowned, "How did you know that? Are you spying on me?"

"No. Jin told me,"


"How did you find out?" Jin asked and Hana smiled at him, "No, don't try to act cute with me. Who told you?"

"My dad was a top judge and my mum was a lawyer. I have my fingers in all the right pies. Plus, my dads best friend owes me so he told me what was going on," Hana said, "He, uh, kinda told me that you weren't going to get 25 years minimum,"

"That's good...right?" Namjoon said.

"Sure unless you want to know what they were planning to send you down for," Hana said and Namjoon glared at her, "Ok. Fine. The judge getting ready to sentence you was my dads friend. The prosecutors were pushing for life with no parole,"

"I'm going to gut Seunho like a fucking-"

"But the worst you will get is 200 hours of community service because the evidence has accidentally fallen through," Hana shrugged, "No idea why. I fancy a cuppa. Does anyone want one?"

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