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Hana couldn't sleep. Not even with Namjoon running his fingers gently across her skin. He was fast asleep but his fingers still stroked her in a loving way. She could hardly believe that he was such a jackass when he was so sweet in his sleep.

Hana carefully climbed out of the bed and pulled on one of Namjoon's tops over her naked body and pulled on her underwear. With one last look at Namjoon, she slipped out of the room and headed downstairs in the hope she would feel tired enough to sleep. The house was eerily quiet as usual at this time morning and Hana was just as quiet.

After making herself a hot chocolate, she headed into the library that was hardly ever used. She turned on the small lamp by the oversized armchair and grabbed a book she had started a while ago. Sitting in silence, she enjoyed immersing herself in a trashy romance novel where the main guy was perfect in every way. 

He had no temper, he wasn't controlling or possessive. He didn't mind her having male friends and overall, he was the man that every woman wished they had. In a way, she wished that Namjoon was more like that but she knew it could never happen. Namjoon would never stop acting possessive or keep his temper under control. 

Slowly, he was starting to wear her down and she felt that the love she had for him was going. He never treated her how she wanted to be treated and to her, she felt like a possession that he had finally claimed and would never let her go. And it hurt her. Hana had always imagined love to be sickly sweet, but with Namjoon it left a sour taste in her mouth.

There was no doubt in her mind that she loved him with everything she had but she knew that if he wasn't willing to treat her more like a girlfriend, she would have to walk away and suffer from the heartbreak. She had tried so hard to talk to him like an adult but it would always end in a heated argument and a glass or two shattered against the wall. Both sides had smashed a few glasses or plates before storming away from each other.

Hana never felt the need to say sorry for reacting to Namjoon. He was always the one to become aggressive with his words and start the fight. Hana was stubborn and hot-headed, so never walked away from the arguments because she was never in the wrong. She only wanted him to see eye to eye with her, but it never did happen.

Namjoon always said sorry but sometimes he never meant it properly. He mostly said it because Jin told him to stop acting like a dick and apologise. Hana just accepted with open arms and they would go back to how they usually were. It pained her to know that he only said sorry because his friend told him too. Jin could see the pain behind her eyes every time they got into a fight and the relationship was getting more toxic by the day. Especially now his brother was back on the scene.

Hana's eyelids became heavy and the book dropped from her hand as she drifted into a well-needed sleep.

Namjoon jerked awake in a cold sweat and started to panic, looking around the darkroom. His heart slammed against his chest and he grabbed the space where Hana normally slept but it was empty.

"Fuck!" He hissed out and stuffed himself into boxers, rushing out of the room. He opened her bedroom door and didn't see her, more panic setting in. Namjoon didn't care that as he ran towards the stairs, he knocked over a table with vases sitting on and he frantically searched for Hana.

When he spotted light shining through the bottom of the library door, he pushed it open and let out a shaky sigh of relief when he saw her curled up on the chair. He ran his sweaty hands through his hair and walked over to her.

"Everything ok?" Jimin whispered behind him.

He looked over his shoulder to see Jimin standing with a gun pressed against his thigh, his hair sticking out in every direction, "Yes. I...I panicked,"

Jimin sighed and ruffled his hair, "Again? Have you spoken to her about it?"

Namjoon glared at him, "No. What good would it do? She'd think-"

"You clearly don't know her as well as you think," Jimin shook his head, "If you wake up in a panic again, she is going to ask what the hell is going on,"

"It's not happened in years," Namjoon muttered and turned his attention back to his girlfriend sleeping peacefully.

"So? Now that your brother is back I have a feeling those nightmares are going to come back and they are going to be much worse," Jimin said, "Take her back to bed and think about telling her what is going on. She's hurting,"

"So am I," Namjoon whispered and Jimin left.

Namjoon brushed Hana's hair from her face and she let out a happy sigh, trying to get closer to his hand. He smiled softly at her and scooped her into his arms, enjoying how she buried her face into his chest, holding him tightly.

When he reached the top of the stairs, his friends were staring at the mess he had caused and woke them up at 4 in the morning. Jin stared at the girl in his arms and then back at the sweat that still shone on Namjoon's bare chest.

"They are back," He stated and Namjoon nodded, "When are you going to tell her?"

"I'm not," Namjoon said stepping over the broken glass, "It's not her concern,"

"It is when you choke her in her sleep," Yoongi hissed quietly.

"I won't do that,"

"And how the fuck would you know?" Yoongi said, glaring at him, "You are asleep and living out your nightmare. Don't be a god damn idiot about this Namjoon. She needs to know before you risk hurting her,"

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