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Jae lifted his eyebrow when Taehyung dragged Hana into the front room.

"Too busy to speak with your old boss?" 

"Never," She said and sat down, "What's up?"

"I need your help," He sighed, "A body has been found and we need you to make a sketch,"

Hana frowned, "What happened to the person who usually does the sketches? I thought you-"

"Because the witness will only talk with you," Jae tutted, "I've tried to tell her that she can trust us, but no. She has refused to talk,"

"I supposed I should get dressed," Hana said getting to her feet, "Give me a few minutes,"

As Hana followed Jae into the station, everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at her. It had been a while since she had been there and her face still had to heal properly. Hana knew they were thinking that it was Namjoon who was beating her.

"Do I not get a hello anymore?" She asked making them grin, "Or is it because I'm fucking the enemy?"

"Hana," Jae said, "Go to interrogation room 5,"

A few of the cops smacked Hana's hand as she made her way through the building and a few new faces stared at her with wide eyes but she didn't have the energy to explain who she was. A cop looked up from his phone when she approached and his hand went to his baton.

"Who are you? You shouldn't be back here," He said, "Leave before I arrest you,"

Hana rolled her eyes, "There would be serious changes if I was the captain here,"

"Wait," He said, "I know you! You are Kim Hana,"

"I am,"

"Wow," He said, "I didn't think you would look like that. I mean that in no offence. From the stories we heard about you from the academy, we all thought you were much taller and had bigger muscles,"

"Well, now you know what I look like, so excuse me,"

"But that doesn't mean I can let you go any further," He said, "You are no longer part of the police force and you are now on the wrong side. If you don't want to be arrested, you should turn around,"

"I don't have time for this. If you try to arrest me, you will be on your ass quicker than you can grab your cuffs," Hana said, "So take a shot,"

The cop hesitated, "You think I'm scared of you? Everyone knows your story. You pretended to be a whore and ended up fucking around The Red Devils. So, you became a whore and quit being a cop so you could be a criminal alongside Kim Namjoon. You help them cover up their murders and you still fuck-ugh!"

Hana throat slammed the cop into the wall behind him and grabbed his baton, pressing it hard against his dick, his eyes wide, "Call me a whore, one more time," She spoke softly, but the cop knew better to open his mouth again, "Let's get one thing clear before I hear more rumours float out of your disrespectful mouth. I am no whore. I did pretend to be a hooker so I could get to the bottom of my best friends murder and yes, I did quit my job,"

The cop gulped and looked over her shoulder, his eyes going wider. Hana glanced at who he was staring at and held in a sigh.

She turned her attention back to the cop, "You are also right about me fucking Namjoon but you are wrong about me covering up their murders. Jae, you should teach your cops to keep their mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about,"

"You can let him go now," Jae said and Hana stepped away, handing the cop his baton back.

"The rookies need more training," Hana muttered and walked towards the interrogation room.

"True, but then again, no one is up to your level Hana," Jae said with a chuckle, "Not even Jungkook who finished at the top of his classes,"

"Why is he here?" Hana asked, looking at the other man following at a short distance.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't keep him away," Jae said, "After the incident with Seunho, my boss has been on my ass. He wanted to speak with you but I told him it probably wasn't a good idea,"

"I hate him so much,"

"You aren't the only one," Jae said pushing the door open for Hana, "Take your time. You have everything you need. We will be on the other side of the glass. I'll send someone to give you water,"

Hana thanked him and couldn't help but smile when she saw Chelzi sitting on the chair filing her nails, "My day keeps getting better,"

"At last!" Chelzi said rushing over to hug her, "Do you have any idea how annoying cops are? Oh, wait. You do. You were a cop,"

"Don't I know it," Hana laughed, "Let's sit. Jae said I had to sketch someone for you,"

Chelzi nodded, "We can save that for another time. We should chat. How have you been? Still having problems with Namjoon?"

Hana sighed, "I will always have problems with him,"

"Did you want me to kick his ass?" Chelzi said lifting her fists into the air, "I could hurt him for you,"

"No, don't worry about him," Hana said, "We should probably save this chat for another time,"

"Oh, I see," Chelzi nodded and leaned back in her chair, "Don't want your old boss to know how often you have sex? Or that you had Namjoon and-"

"Ok!" Hana said, quickly, "Not the time for that. Jae said a body was found and you are a witness,"


"Did you want to tell me what he or she looked like so I can sketch?" Hana asked, spinning the pencil in her hand.

Chelzi shifted in her seat, "I know who the victim was,"

"Who was it?"

"You know...sorry, you knew her as well," Chelzi said quietly, "Do you remember the first time we met? You came backstage after dancing and that girl tried to insult you?"

"There were a few girls trying to do that,"

"Yes, but this girl had her claws in Jooheon," She said and his name made me shudder, "The girl was Ali,"

"Holy shit," Hana said, "You saw her get killed didn't you?"

Chelzi nodded and picked at her nails, "Hana, she wasn't killed. She was slaughtered"

"Tell me what they looked like. I can-"

"You don't need to," Chelzi whispered and looked up at Hana with tears in her eyes, "It was Yugyeom,"

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment.

Sorry for the slow updates but I have to be in the mood to write something this dark (:

If you want a more mature/detailed story, head to Inkitt and read that book. Comment and vote and do whatever you do on that app.

Stay weird <33

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