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A few days later, Namjoon woke up without Hana asleep next to him and panic set in once again. He dressed quickly and headed downstairs in search of her. 

"Are you ok?" Jin asked as he almost ran into the kitchen.

"Where is Hana?" Namjoon asked, "She wasn't in-"

"The gym," Jin said and watched Namjoon run his hands through his hair, "Sit down. Are you hungry?"

Namjoon nodded and sat at the breakfast bar staring at the wall. It was obvious that he wanted to say something but Jin didn't start the conversation wanting Namjoon to feel comfortable enough to talk.

"I was scared," Namjoon whispered and Jin handed him a tea.

"Scared of what?"

"Hana," Namjoon said, looking at him, "Scared of her hating me. Scared of her pitying me. Jin, I was scared that she'd pack her things and leave because I let those things happen to me,"

Jin sighed and sat down, "You and I both know that Hana would never leave over something like that. What happened to you wasn't your fault and you didn't let that happen. You did your best to fight back but you were a teenager and those were fully grown men,


"Stop," Jin said putting his hand on his shoulder, "I don't want to hear it. What happened was horrific and there's nothing that I can say to make that part of your history better, but it has happened now. Namjoon, it doesn't make you a different person and Hana loves you. Even though you can be such an asshole, she is still here. You need to trust her more and the love she has for you,"

"She felt sorry for me,"

Jin tutted, "She didn't feel sorry for you. She understood you. Do you honestly think that girl could feel sorry for you after everything she has been through? And we don't even know what happened in her life before we met her,"

"Yeah, you're right,"

"I know I'm right," Jin said, with a grin, "Anyway, there is a package that came today for the both of you but she said you can't open it without her or she'd beat you with one of Jimin's riding crops,"

Namjoon smirked, "I might enjoy that,"

"Gross. She's in the gym sparring with a few of the boys and I have to say, I never want to spar with her again," Jin said, "I'm telling you that she was born a ninja or something. She is quick and fights like a dancer,"

"You should have seen her when she tried to attack me in the dress," Namjoon said getting to his feet, "I'll be up to eat once you're done,"

Namjoon grabbed the package and walked the short distance to the basement door and went down stretching his arms above his head. There had always been two doors to the basement for obvious reasons. One was the door that led to the gym and the other door led to the holding cells for traitors or people they needed to torture. A shudder hit Namjoon when he remembered locking Hana and Jungkook in one.

There was a loud thud and a groan, followed by Hana laughing. He walked into the room to see, Jimin face down on the mat, with one of his arms bent behind him and Hana sitting on his back.

"You cheated!" He said into the mat.

"You were too slow, Chim," Hana grinned and climbed off him still not noticing Namjoon, "You asked me to help you, so I am helping you. If you think you can turn your back on a fight then you are wrong. You need to be prepared at all times especially with everything that is happening right now,"

Jimin sighed and punched the mat before getting to his feet, "Alright. Don't hold back,"

"What?" Hana said and Namjoon frowned.

"Don't hold back," He said, "You're right. I asked you to help me and if we were on the street and I didn't have my gun, they wouldn't hold back. Only if you are ok with me not holding back,"

"I'm not sure that is a good idea. You don't have to hold back but it's stupid," Hana said, "I've been training since I was 4 years old and-"

"Pussy," Jimin said and Namjoon rolled his eyes, leaning on the wall.

"They've been doing this since they got down here," Yoongi said walking over to Namjoon, "It's been interesting to watch,"

Jimin lifted his hands up preparing to fight making Hana sigh.

"That's enough," Namjoon said making them both jump, "You won't be-"

"He is right," Hana said, "Jimin asked me to train him so that is what I am going to do. Just don't go crying to your friends after I kick that juicy butt of yours,"

Jimin smirked, "Glad you think my butt is juicy,"

"It won't be when I am through with you," Hana grinned lifting her hands up, "Guys if things get out of hand, break us apart or call an ambulance for him,"

Jimin shot forward, throwing jabs at Hana's face but she dodged each one, slapping his fists away quicker than Jimin had imagined. Namjoon stared with his mouth wide open as he watched her chop Jimin in the neck, pushing him back.

"I thought I said don't hold back," Jimin said, breathing heavily.

As they started again, Namjoon was getting angrier at the punches and kicks Jimin was sending to Hana. A few landed but he saw how she remained calm, despite being hurt. Jimin was starting to lose his temper and when Hana was grabbed it was over. She threw herself around him, taking him down and Jimin yelled slightly, tapping her leg making her let go of the armlock.

"What the fuck?" Jimin groaned, holding his arm, "How the fuck did you do that?"

Hana sat next to him and used a towel to wipe some blood off her face, "You lost your temper. It's not good if you lose your temper,"

"I can't believe I got beaten by a girl,"

"You can fight and my god, do you hit hard, but you are never going to win if you let your anger and frustration take over," Hana said, "Try meditation,"

"Suck my dick, you bitch,"

Hana laughed, "Hey! Is that the package?"

Namjoon nodded and walked over to her, "What is it?"

"You will have to see," She said, taking the small box from him "I did order something but I didn't think it would come this quickly,"

"You ordered sexy pictures of yourself?" Namjoon tutted.

Hana looked up at him with a pale face, "I've never taken sexy pictures of myself,"

He snatched the box from her and his hands shook with anger when he saw more photos of Hana in her towel, underwear or relaxing in the house. It was obvious they were taken from outside and his stomach rolled when he found photos of Namjoon having sex with Hana.

"I'm going to fucking kill him,"

"How do you know it's from your brother?" Jimin said, glancing at the photos, "Holy shit! You have an outfit like that?!"

Hana snatched the photo away from him and punched him in the chest, "Shut up!"

"Turn that photo over, Hana," Yoongi said.

"How do you like my present older brother?" Hana readout, "This is only the start. Catch me if you can," Hana threw the picture across the room, "Oh, I'll catch you, you perverted mother fucker and I am going to shove a gun up your ass and pull the god damn trigger!"

A/N: If you want to know what the fight scene was like, just look up John Wick, Ip Man etc just to get an idea of how she moves and that. I've made her a badass so why not be able to fight like that, eh?

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Stay weird <33

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