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After the doctor left, Hana sat on Namjoon's lap hugging him tightly. They sat together in a comfortable silence, enjoying being together and without arguing.

"We need to tell everyone," Namjoon said wiping his eyes free of tears, "And if you tell them I cried, I'm kicking you out again,"

"Don't be stupid," Hana said climbing off his lap, "I won't say anything. Everything that was said in this room stays in this room,"

Namjoon nodded, "Can...can I touch your belly?"

"Uh, s-sure,"

Namjoon pulled her closer and placed his hands onto her belly, "It's getting round,"

"I'm 10 weeks pregnant,"

"You're going to be so squishy. I can't wait,"

"Shut up,"

"How did you not notice you were pregnant? Did you not see your belly becoming flabby?"

"Did you want me to hurt you?"

Namjoon smirked, "Sorry. Hey little thing inside mummy's tummy,"

Hana's heart felt like it was about to burst as Namjoon spoke to her belly. She felt so much love towards him that sometimes it scared her.

"I'm your daddy," He said quietly, "I know you're only tiny and still growing, but I already love you. It won't be easy to come into this world but I will do everything to look after you. You won't need to worry about anything. I'll buy you anything you want. I'll protect you with my life and you will grow up to be a strong person like your mummy and daddy,"

Hana swallowed back her tears.

"Life won't be easy but we will try to make it as easy as we can for you. Daddy is a bad man who does bad things. But I will never hurt you," He said, "Mummy will kick my ass if I do. I promise that I will love you and I will love mummy with everything I have. I can't wait to meet you,"

"Who are you and what have you done with Namjoon?" Hana said, sniffling slightly.

"I told you I would work on myself and now we are bringing in a little one into this world, I need to make myself a better person,"

"You are a better person," Hana said, "I never wanted you to change that. I just wanted you to change how controlling and possessive you are. It can be suffocating,"

"I will. Junho will help and I know I have a problem,"

"I do understand why you always want to have control in your life," Hana said, "If Yugyeom was standing in front of me right now, I'd beat him within and inch of his life, stop that disgusting dick off and shove a bat with nails in right up-"

"Ok. I get it," Namjoon said, "Not something I want to visualise. I've seen you stomp one dick off. I don't want to see another,"


Namjoon sighed, "Ok. Let's break the news of our pregnancy and stand in front of me so Taehyung doesn't punch me,"

"It's ok. You can admit you are scared of him,"

"I'm not fucking scared of him," Namjoon said opening the door for her, "He just punches hard,"

Hana chose not to say anything and let Namjoon walk with his hand on her lower back.

After convincing everyone to meet them in the main room, Namjoon cleared his throat getting everyone's attention.

"I need to say something so if any of you fuckers interrupt me, I'm going to shoot you," Namjoon said and patted the gun at his hip, "Jimin, hands off Taehyung's lap. Save that for later,"

"H-he wasn't touching m-me!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Look," Jin said, "We all know you two fucked. Don't be so shy about it,"

"Why did I not know about this!?" Hana asked.

"You were too busy riding Jungkook," Sara giggled and elbowed Jungkook gently, "I bet she rode your dick well. It looked like you both enjoyed it from the photos,"

"Shut the fuck up," Namjoon said, "No more talking about Hana riding Jungkook,"

"Or you fucking Sharon?" Jenna muttered under her breath.

"No. This is fucking important so shut the fuck up,"

"Someone is on their period," Freya said, "I might have a spare tampon but you might be a sanitary towel kinda guy,"

"I swear to-"

"Tampons hurt the vagina," Sara said.

"Only because you don't know how to insert them,"

Hana held back her smile as she realised her friends were enjoying pissing Namjoon off.

"At least you have periods," Chelzi sighed, "After my surgery I-"

"Talking about periods," Darcy said, "Anyone have a tampon?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"I ran out and I'm not sure I want to go to the shops," Darcy said ignoring him.

Hana rolled her eyes and stood up next to Namjoon to try and help him out, "I'll deal with it,"

"You better cause I'll fucking shoot then," He muttered.

"I'm pregnant," Hana said loudly.

"How am I not inserting them properly?"

"You don't. I just know it,"

"I'm pregnant!" Hana yelled and the room went silent, "That is what is so important. Namjoon and I are going to have a baby,"

"What. The. Fuck," Taehyung said getting to his feet and he glared at Namjoon, "You got my sister pregnant?"

"He did,"

"You...you fucking asshole!"

Hana jumped to the side as her brother ran at Namjoon. He punched him square in the jaw but then wrapped his arms around him hugging him tightly.

"I'm so fucking happy!" He said kissing Namjoon hard on the lips, "I'm going to be an uncle!"

"Did you have to kiss me!?" Namjoon said scrubbing at his lips, "For fuck sake!"

Hana let Taehyung hug her, "Are you happy?"

"Over the moon. Mum and dad would be so proud,"

"Yeah," She said trying not to cry, "Also, you and Jimin?"

"Not discussing that with you," He said, "I need a drink! Wait...bad sister! You were drinking and training and fighting. Are you stupid?"

"I didn't know!"

"I suppose my present is even better now," Jin said frowning, "I guess I can take you to meet them now,"

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