Kid? You there?

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if space is gay then i'm moving to space

Mama Spider
Hey Pete, how are you?

Mr. Kidnapper
can i please have my name changed?

hi, yes i'm good and fine MrKidnapper you can have your name changed

who's your favourite avenger?

Mr. Kidnapper
iron man

alright Irondad!

that's better than before

Uncle Buck
have you guys seen the news yet?

who watches the news?

Grandpa Capsicle
we do

no what was on the news?

news is important people!

but i don't watch it.

Chicken Wings
it said a guy named...what was his name again?

Skip Westscott

everyone's talking about him. He's aiming to come to Queens for some reason.

i need to get ready for school...

see you there MJ

cya loser.

he seems a bit off

i'll talk to him about it

Peters POV
He can't of escaped...right? I feel my chest tighten and it gets harder to breathe. After i calm myself down i get dressed and leave the apartment to go to school.

I walk over to my locker and see MJ appear behind me, "Hey Loser." she says. I jump in fright and then reply, "hi." She frowns at me, knowing something is wrong but won't push it.

"Hey have you got the internship after school?" MJ asks me.

"uh..yeah, yes i do."

"Do you think i could come with? i kinda want to have a talk with Pepper Potts, the CEO."

"Sure" i reply, i know she's always wanted to meet her.

*time skip brought to you by yourself it's now the end of the day*

I'm worried about Peter, he's been tense all day. Harley has told us that he's going back to Tennessee for a month, Ned is still being a dick. "Peter, what's wrong?" i ask, i'm sick of it. He's telling me.

"N-nothing wrong...w-why would you assume that?" He's stuttering, he's obviously lying.

"You've been acting odd since the Skip stuff" i say calmly (not like dumbledore calm, ACTUAL CALM)

"i'm only telling you because you're like my sister" I smile at him and he continues. "Skip Westscott...he...when i was younger..he assaulted me, before he went to prision he said to me 'i'll be back for you' and..and..." i decide to cut him off, "No don't continue, Pete i'm so sorry for making you say that..." i felt so bad for him MY brother has been assaulted.

"don't tell anyone..." he said sternly

"i wont." and i'll keep that promise.

We arrived at the tower and security looked at me weird, "she's with me.." Peter said. We went up the elevator and he told me Peppers office was just down the hall.

I'm walking down and meet Pepper. After our chat and her saying that i can work here i follow her to the penthouse where Peter will probably be. "Guys, MJ had got a job here now, she'll be helping me but she'll have the same hours as Peter." Pepper announces.

"that's great MJ!" Peter says and flashes me a fake smile, not because i'm here, he'd never do that. But because of Skip.

"I say this calls for a movie!" Tony shouts, getting everyone's attention. "So, what what movie are we watching?" i ask.

"Your choice" Tony says

"oh no" Peter groans, then his phone starts ringing.

"Hey May...No i haven't...what?!...We're not on the best terms at th-...Yeah i can ask...i know...bye...larb you too..." Then he hangs up.

Everyone looks at him weirdly, including me. "MJ can i-" he was about to say something but i cut him off. "Yeah sure i have an extra one and some things you can borrow" i say, already knowing what he was talking about. He replies a thanks.

While we were watching (insert movie cause i'm lazy af) Peter looked like he was in his own world. "Kid? you there?" Tony asks with worry in his voice.

"yeah, i'm fine." he replies, lies, lies and more lies! Peter has lies way too much! i'm sick of it, he can trust me! My god, he can trust them! They're not going to tell anyone, nor am i! I need to calm down, he'll tell us when he's ready.

sorry for the short chapter
have a good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night everyone!

Who is this? (mama natasha fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora