The new kid.

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*walks in* *spins chair around* *sits down* so, you decided to read my book. You got me over 100 votes. So thank you :). i present you with another chapter earlier than usual.


Peters POV
There was a new student coming today. Hopefully they won't be friends with Flash i don't particularly want another person beating me up.

*at the school*

"Hello children, today we have a new student joining us," Mr. Harrington motioned towards the new kid.

"Hi, i'm Harley Keener, nice to meet you all." he spoke quite quickly.

After that he decided to sit next to me, who would sit next to me? (Ned and MJ were in a different class) I have to admit Harley is pretty cute, no! Don't think like that Peter! He's probably straight anyway, i argue with myself to much.

Harley turns to me and asks, "what's your name?"

"Peter, Peter Parker" i reply.

"Nice to meet you Peter" He smiles

"Nice to meet you to Harley"

*le time skip to lunch <(' .' )>*

Me and Harley headed to lunch to meet up with Ned and MJ. Talking about Ned. "hey Ned, this is Harley, he's new here and my new friend" i smile at him and he smiles back. "That's cool, i'm Ned by the way"

"Nice to meet you, Ned" Harley says.

"Sup gays." MJ says walking towards us.

"Don't you mean guys?" i ask

"did. i. fucking. stutter?!" she glares at me, i've only told Ned and MJ about me being Gay. After Homecoming and Liz i realised i wasn't into girls but i'm still in the closest. (who can blame him it's quite cosy there)

Once i introduced MJ to Harley we began to eat, that's when my spidey-sense went off. again.

I already know it's Flash, he grabbed a handful of my hair AND SNATCHED MY WEAVE. no that didn't happen. He grabbed my by my hair and pulled me up from where i was sitting. Now, i know what you're thinking; i could beat the shit out of him but possibly kill him in the process which wouldn't be good. So i just let him beat me up mentally and physically.

"Penis get up you worthless piece of trash!" Flash demanded, which was weird since he already made me get u- before i can think Flash pushed me into a wall and i slid down. Even though i'm stronger doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when he hits me.

*after the incident*

Harley, Ned and MJ came running over. "Peter! you can't keep doing that!!" MJ whisper-yelled.

Harley's POV
Keep doing that? He's dealt with this more than once? Why?

"Guys i'm okay.." Peter practically whispered trying to convince us, it didn't work.

"You don't seem okay Peter." MJ said angrily.

"I'm with MJ you don't seem to good" I agreed

We helped Peter up and steadied him, he hit his head on that wall pretty bad.

Peter's POV
Once we started walking to our next class i started to feel more dizzy, no Peter. You can't pass out now just wait till the end of school. Never mind, i have the internship Mr. Stark said he wanted to me to come up to him when i went he needs to speak with me.

*at the end of the day*

"Sup Dickwad!" Flash says as he comes up to me, little did i know that Happy was watching since he was picking me up.

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